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Vintage Radio
By Fred Lever
Astor HNQ Mickey 4-½
valve radio
This is a plain-looking set, and as a four-valve reflex superhet, it
isn’t particularly good at pulling in weak stations. But it does have
one interesting feature in that it uses permeability tuning, which was
common in car radios but not so much in mantel sets.
I recently purchased an Astor
“Mickey” bread-loaf shaped valve radio set from a character called “Steptoe”. That makes it sound like I bought
it out of the back of a van in a pub parking lot, from a man dressed in a trench
coat. But I actually bought it on eBay.
Perhaps that is the modern equivalent
of the pub parking lot...
Anyway, I was attracted to this set
due to its use of permeability tuning;
something I had heard about but never
seen up close before. The set looked
honest and most of its parts seemed to
be present, except for the rear cover.
The set was described as a non-runner and even with the less-than-stellar
eBay photos, I could see that one valve
was white inside, denoting a loss of
vacuum. But I figured that whatever
was wrong with this set, I could fix. I
mean, how hard could it be? So I went
ahead and bought it.
The set arrived very carefully
Silicon Chip
packed into a big box; well done, Steptoe. The parts were mostly original, not
having been butchered in some sort of
amateur repair attempt, and overall
the set appeared to be in good condition, with minimal dirt and corrosion
given its age.
A closer inspection revealed that it
had been serviced at some point, probably many years ago; I noted that some
resistors had been changed and a couple of critical capacitors such as the
audio coupling and AGC bypass had
been replaced with 1980s-style units.
The output transformer had also
been replaced, as the original red and
blue wires were cut off close to the
attachment points and new leads soldered on top. I’m guessing that all of
this work had been done in the 70s or
80s, based on the components used.
Permeability tuning
You can clearly see the permeabilAustralia’s electronics magazine
ity tuning mechanism in the photo of
the top side of the chassis removed
from the case.
A traditional tuning gang looks like
an evenly spaced stack of thin metal
plates, often with odd-looking shapes,
where every second plate is fixed and
the others rotate, thus varying the overlap as one set rotates, changing the capacitance between the sets of plates.
But this one looks very different, with
pistons that move in and out of coils,
geared to the tuning knob so that they
move when it is turned.
I guess the main disadvantage of this
scheme is that the pistons are quite a
bit wider than a capacitive tuning gang
but there must have been some reason
why the Astor designers decided to use
it in this set; most likely, to reduce the
cost of manufacturing the set.
Permeability tuning was used in car
radios because it was possible to provide push-button presets for the user’s
favourite stations. These moved the
pistons to a particular position when
pressed, corresponding to the previously stored station. But that feature
is not present in this set.
Set design
This is a very plain-looking set, with
a uniform cream case featuring little
other than the speaker grille, which is
moulded into the case, the tuning dial
and the on/off/volume control knob.
While the circuit design is not quite
as “bare bones” as the outside appearance would suggest, it is a standard
four-valve reflex superhet design, with
no real surprises, other than the unusual permeability tuning.
The reason I’ve referred to this set
as having 4-½ valves in the heading
is that, being a reflex set, one of the
valves actually does two different
jobs. So I figured that was the equivalent of it having at least another half
a valve.
In case you aren’t familiar with reflex sets, these cleverly re-use an RF
amplification stage by coupling audiofrequency signals into the input,
perimposed on the RF signals (which
are naturally at a higher frequency).
The amplified output is then separated using two filters, one of which
removes the low-frequency AF signals
and one of which removes the highfrequency RF signals so that the amplified RF and AF can be fed to different
points in the circuit.
Unfortunately, this can compromise
the performance of that valve which
has to do two jobs; after all, it can’t be
fully optimised for either and therefore
is a bit of a compromise.
Still, it would have reduced the set’s
cost compared to using five separate
valves, and the result is certainly better than a four-valve set which does
not use reflexing.
The mixer-oscillator is based around
a 6BE6 pentagrid converter valve with
a 175V HT, while the combined RF/AF
amplification stage uses a 6AD8 dualdiode pentode with a surprisingly low
42V HT. The audio power amplifier is
a 6AQ5 beam tetrode with 165V HT
and the fourth valve is the 6X4 miniature full-wave rectifier.
The converter circuit has a mostly
Australia’s electronics magazine
standard configuration, except for controling the antenna tuning and oscillator frequency (as mentioned earlier).
It has magnetic coils which slide into
the field of ferrite cores, this varies the
resonance points and so controls the
station tuning (the permeability [inductance] of the air around the cores
These are adjusted so that the antenna tuning (as mentioned earlier),
oscillator track and stations appear
at the right places on the dial, using
trimcaps #55 & #56.
The 6AD8 AF/RF amplifier has a
plate load comprising the second IF
transformer (#47) plus a 50kW series
resistor (#28). The RF signal for this
valve is coupled to grid #1 at pin 2
via the first IF transformer and is fed
to the demodulator diode at pin 7 via
the second IF transformer.
The demodulated audio is low-pass
filtered, to remove the RF signal by
250pF capacitor #14 and fed to volume control pot #39. It is then coupled from the pot’s wiper back to the
bottom end of the first IF transformer,
where it is fed back into pin 2.
March 2019 89
ness control. As a result, the set is a
bass lover’s delight when the audio
is fed into a wide-range speaker. But
when driving its own tinny speaker,
the boost only serves to overcome its
er insulation to Earth was intact and
the windings were intact. I also fitted
a three-core mains flex in place of the
dodgy old two-core cable, retained
with a knot.
I used a fabric-covered cable taken
from an old toaster, to better suit the
era of the set, and I made sure to anchor the cable properly and solder the
Earth wire to the set’s chassis.
While doing this work, I discovered
that the power switch was open circuit. The power switch is integrated
with the volume control pot, so I removed it and pulled it apart. I found
that the mechanism was working fine
but the contacts were severely corroded. A shot of WD-40 and then chemical cleaner fixed that problem and it
worked fine after reassembly.
At this point, I had to address the
vacuum-less vacuum tube. It had a
crack around the base and was undoubtedly beyond my repair abilities.
Luckily, I happened to have a 6AQ5 in
my spares with the box marked “brand
new”, so I swapped it into the set.
Fixing it up
Testing it out
I’m not going to claim that I “restored” this set since I didn’t strip it
back to individual parts and rejuvenate everything, resulting in an as-new
radio. Rather, I simply got it working
and gave it a bit of a spiff-up to make
it presentable. So I think “fixing” is a
more appropriate description. It makes
me quite cross when I see sets advertised as “restored” when they still have
plenty of rust and dirt evident.
Initially, before I applied any power
to the set, I did some safety checks to
make sure that the power transform-
I poked around the circuit a little more looking for any suspicious
shorts but seeing as I didn’t find any,
I plugged the set into my variac with
an in-line power meter and applied
50VAC. The supply circuit breaker
did not drop out and the meter hardly
moved – so far, so good.
I ramped the variac up to 100VAC
and was greeted by a glowing dial
lamp, with some power flowing to the
set. A voltmeter on the HT rail indicated 30V DC after a couple of minutes.
There was no glow visible in some of
the valves, so I sprayed WD-40 onto all
the valve pins and plugged them back
in. They all then lit up; I also noted
some hum from the speaker.
I left the set running from 100VAC
for about 10 minutes and then checked
for any hot parts with an infrared spot
(contactless) thermometer. Nothing
was getting smelly hot and the HT had
crept up to 70V DC. The mains power
meter was reading about 20W, which
seemed reasonable.
I then applied the full mains voltage and tried to tune into a strong station. I found that the set worked well
as long as it was connected to an external aerial. Realistically, to use this
set, you need to be in the city or surrounding suburbs so that you have
access to nice strong stations and
The inside back of the Astor HNQ. The damaged 6AQ5 output audio amplifier
valve is directly right of the power transformer. The visible two-core power
cable was replaced with a proper three-core cable with Earth.
The amplified audio signal then appears at the plate (mixed with the amplified RF signal) but the RF signal is
filtered out by capacitor #13 and the
resulting audio is coupled to the grid
of the 6AQ5 Class-A amplifier via 20nF
capacitor #6 and 50kW resistor #26.
The 6AQ5 operates as a conventional
Class-A amplifier, with a transformer
(which also acts as its anode load) to
couple the signal to the speaker. This
part of the circuit has a very heavy topcut filter, removing anything above
speech frequency. This was necessary
as, without it, the stage would become
unstable and oscillate.
There is negative feedback from
the speaker back to the bottom end of
the volume control, with an RC filter
network feeding a tap on the volume
control pot. This provides bass boost
at low volume settings, akin to a loud-
The contacts on the power switch/volume control (bottom left) were badly
corroded; a bit of cleaning brought it back into action.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
The underside of the chassis is
primarily populated by resistors and
capacitors. The photo on the right
shows the newly fitted electrolytic
capacitor which reduces audible hum.
even then, you would at least need to
string a wire around your living room
(if you couldn’t run a longer outdoor
Unfortunately, these days in the suburbs of Sydney, there is a lot of interference to the AM broadcast band, from
switchmode-based lighting (CFLs and
LEDs), poorly installed solar panel inverters, overloaded street transformers
and so on. So it wasn’t surprising that
I needed a decent aerial to get decent
was working nicely by probing the
6BE6’s grid, which revealed a mix of
the incoming RF signal and the oscillator signal, as expected.
With the set up and running, I
popped it back into the cabinet and
had a listen via the massive Rola 5C
speaker. I had to shuffle both sets of
controls around a bit by loosening the
fixing nuts and bolts to get them in the
best position to line up with the cabinet holes. The best that I can say about
its sound quality is that it is “pleasant”.
Checking its operation
Aesthetic restoration
I then checked all the DC voltages
and found most to be as shown on the
service manual circuit diagram, with
-8V back bias indicating that the set
had the expected current draw. The
hum level was a bit high though, with
HT ripple measuring about 0.5VAC at
the HT 16µF capacitor (#18), increasing to about 2VAC when tuned into a
strong station, with the audio modulating the rail!
So I fitted a new high-voltage electrolytic capacitor across #18, leaving
the original in place. That drastically
reduced the hum, both audibly and
on the scope.
I probed the audio both at the demodulator diode output (across 250pF
capacitor #14) and at the input to the
6AQ5 amplifier valve. The loss of highfrequency information due to the topcut was readily visible upon comparing the resulting traces.
I also checked the operation of
the oscillator and measured a clean
~1.5MHz sinewave at pin 1 of the
6BE6. I could also see that the mixer
Having established that everything
was working well, I removed the chassis again and cleaned it up.
I brushed the top of the chassis with
Jaycar PCB cleaner to remove the dirt
and applied a bit of black paint to the
rusty laminations on the power transformer. I then sprayed a light coat of
Jaycar PCB clear coat over the lot, taking care not to get any of that into the
tuning mechanism.
That improved the appearance of
the chassis no end, so I did the same to
the speaker and left them to dry while
I had a go at the cabinet.
The cabinet was in good shape with
just a couple of cracks and finished
in a custard colour they call cream.
I gave it a good wash in warm water
and rubbed it back with soap inside
and out. Once that was done it did not
look so bad. I had considered painting
it blue or red as I have done to other
similar sets, but seeing I don’t have a
cream radio, I left this one as-is.
I removed a lot of marks and ingrained dirt spots with a good rub
Australia’s electronics magazine
over with 0000# steel wool, followed
by car polish and a wool buff. This
just exposed all the imperfections on
the surface of the plastic, so I backed
the shine off a bit by polishing the
plastic with a fine abrasive pad and
left it at that.
The last thing to do was cut up and
fit a replacement backplate. I could not
find a picture of what shape was fitted originally so I just cut up a paper
template from my imagination until it
fitted into the back.
I then cut a scrap of fibreboard to
the shape of the template and drilled
the four securing holes. Once it fitted
in OK, I cut a big chunk out of the top
to form a handle which also acts as a
vent for hot air to escape. I then cut
a few slots toward the bottom for the
cords to pass through, and others to
let in some fresh, cool air.
The fibreboard tends to fluff at the
edges where it was cut, so I sprayed
the whole thing with a couple of thick
coats of automotive filler undercoat to
hold it together. Then, as I had a nearly
empty can of iridescent Hot Red paint,
I emptied it onto the back for a bit of
contrast with the case. Whether you
consider the final result good or not
is a matter of taste.
March 2019 91