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LCD BackPack
Besides a colour touchscreen, another very handy feature to have in a microcontroller module is wireless communications. WiFi is probably the most versatile
method, as most homes and offices have WiFi networks. Once the micro has
Internet access, the list of things you can do with it explodes! This low-cost project
uses an ESP8266-based module which is both powerful and inexpensive.
By Tim Blythman
hile this BackPack has a so it’s perfect for connecting to 12V vices to access the Internet also puts a
plethora of potential uses, lights or a small motor to raise and vast array of useful information within
easy reach.
some of the most promising lower a blind, for example.
But unless you run some extensive
are in the area of home automation.
This is a rapidly growing field, and wiring through wall cavities or pre- The D1 Mini
The D1 Mini is one of the smallest
it’s getting much easier to implement. installed conduits, they have little
Systems that can be built onto exist- chance of working beyond their im- fully-contained Arduino-compatible
microcontroller boards. And being
ing WiFi networks are common, and mediate vicinity.
Unless you’re installing it in a build- based on the 32-bit ESP8266 microlittle wiring is required. Our D1 Minibased LCD BackPack makes adding a ing under construction, depending on controller, it has a 2.4GHz WiFi radio
custom WiFi-enabled touchscreen in- how it was built, running that wiring built-in.
can be a trying exercise.
The ESP8266 has very quickly beterface quite easy.
With WiFi-enabled devices being come a favourite of both hobbyists and
For a bit of background, last October, we reviewed Altronics’ range of In- readily available and getting cheaper, manufacturers.
It appears in many commercial
venta Maker Plates ( it makes sense to have a panel with a
WiFi products, including those used
au/Article/12023). These are standard- WiFi interface instead.
You could have the user interface in in home automation, such as smart
size wallplates that incorporate an
Arduino-compatible microcontroller a convenient location and another hid- WiFi globes and smart mains switches.
Of the handful of commercial wirealong with user controls and a display. den, WiFi-enabled box near the device
They’re great for adding custom fea- to be controlled. The only wiring you less home automation products we’ve
need to run then is for power, which tried recently, almost all of them were
tures to a home automation system.
Being compatible with existing Ar- is usually available in many locations ESP8266-based.
This is one of the reasons for the
duino boards means that they are easy throughout the premises.
The ability for the WiFi-enabled de- continued popularity of the Arduino
to program, while the display (either
platform, as we note in our
a text-based or colour LCD)
Arduino Retrospective in
and user controls (tactile
Features & specifications
March (
switches or touch panel)
Display: ...............3.5in 480x320 colour LCD
mean that they are intuitive
Processor: ...........ESP8266, 160MHz 32-bit
The D1 Mini is based on
to use. But what these units
Flash memory: ....4MB
the ESP-12 module, which
lack is connectivity.
contains an ESP8266 microIt’s intended that they be
RAM: ...................80kB
controller and a 4MB flash
directly wired to some exInterface: .............Touch panel
IC. It also incorporates a
ternal hardware. The LCD
Other features: ....WiFi, remote (OTA) reprogramming,
CH340 USB-serial converter,
Shield Maker Plate has two
prototyping space, 12V power supply
a 3.3V regulator and a handbuilt-in (low-voltage) relays,
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
ful of passives. Twelve I/O pins are
broken out for external use.
We used the D1 Mini in our Clayton’s GPS Time Source (siliconchip. This connects
to the Internet via WiFi to simulate a
GPS time source by retrieving accurate
time from an NTP (Network Time Protocol) server. This is an example of a
simple and useful data source that can
be accessed via WiFi.
The ESP8266 includes a 32-bit micro running at 80MHz and has 80kB
of user-accessible RAM, so it is much
more capable than many AVR-based
Arduino boards. All the ESP8266
boards we have seen have at least
512kB of flash memory; many have
much more.
They are perfect for adding both
WiFi and a graphical user interface to
a small project. In particular, the ample
flash memory allows colourful graphics to be embedded and displayed.
To help you turn the D1 Mini LCD
BackPack into something useful, we’ve
created a demonstration program for
it which shows off its WiFi, graphical
and touch features.
The program fetches time and
weather data from the Internet; the
time comes from an NTP server, while
the weather data comes from https://
This data is displayed as a
nation of text and images. The touch
interface supplies a small number of
user functions, such as setting the
weather location and WiFi network
Circuit details
The Micromite and its various BackPack incarnations have been extremely
popular, not just in their own right, but
as a basis for numerous projects. We
also published an adaptor in the May
2019 issue to allow Arduino R3-compatible boards to drive 3.5in or 2.8in
touchscreen LCDs (
au/Article/11629) (see above).
So we thought it would make sense
to use the same principle in designing
a board to allow these types of touchscreen to be driven by a D1 Mini. Our
demonstration software is designed
for the 3.5in display, but the hardware also supports the slightly cheaper
2.8in displays.
Given the small difference in price,
unless your application can’t fit the
3.5in screen, that is the best option.
Fig.1 shows the circuit of our new
D1 Mini BackPack. As you might imagine, there isn’t a lot to it. It routes
the necessary SPI control signals from
the D1 Mini (MOD1) to headers for either type of LCD panel, connected to
CON1 and CON1a (mounting pads for
CON1a are provided in two different
Australia’s electronics magazine
locations, to support
the two different screen sizes).
The hardware SPI signals on the D1
Mini are at pins D5 (SCK), D6 (MISO)
and D7 (MOSI). Due to the way that
the pins are mapped, these actually
correspond to general-purpose I/O
(GPIO) pins numbered 14, 12 and 13
We’ve used the numbers with the
‘D’ prefixes as this is how the D1
Mini is labelled. See Table1 for more
information about the curious and
slightly confusing numbering used
on this board.
The CS pin for the LCD is wired to
pin D8, and D/C (data/command) is
wired to pin D4. Due to the low number of pins available, the RST pin for
the LCD is wired to RST pin on the D1
Mini; this works well and saves a pin.
The separate CS pin for the touch
controller is connected to pin D3.
Although the panel includes an SD
card socket, we’ve also opted to add
a micro SD card socket to our board.
There are two reasons for this: the PCB
traces to the SD socket on the LCD panel are quite circuitous, which makes
the card more susceptible to interference. Also, when the SD card is fitted,
it protrudes quite a bit.
The micro SD card is smaller, and
being attached to the board, is less
likely to interfere with the display and
October 2020 23
Fig.1: the circuit diagram of the D1 Mini BackPack
primarily involves connecting the pins of the D1 Mini
module to a 2.8in or 3.5in SPI colour touchscreen via headers CON1 & CON1a. The remainder of
the circuit is a basic power supply, a backlight control section, some jumper options, a convenient
micro SD card socket and a header which gives you access to the few remaining free pins of the micro.
mounting hardware. The CS pins of
both the SD and micro SD card sockets are connected to the D1 Mini’s
D2 I/O pin.
Since the card sockets are nothing
more than direct connections, these
pins can be shared, as long as there
isn’t a card in both sockets at the same
time. Indeed, if you don’t need the
micro SD card feature, I/O pin (D2)
can be reused.
We’ve also added a DC jack and a
7805 5V linear regulator. Thus, if 12V
is needed for operating lights, motors
or relays, a single 12V supply (such
as a DC plugpack) can be provided.
Silicon Chip
The regulator will work with input
voltages down to around 7V.
When running off a 12V supply, the
regulator dissipates around 2W and
gets quite warm.
You might like to substitute our
Switchmode 78xx Replacement from
the August 2020 issue (siliconchip. if you need to
draw more current from the 5V rail, or
just to reduce the heat output.
There are four bypass capacitors
on the PCB; two for the 5V regulator
and two for the micro SD card socket. We’ve provided PCB pads that suit
both 3216 (1206 imperial) SMD or
Australia’s electronics magazine
0.2in-pitch through-hole parts.
Four sets of jumpers are provided.
These can be left off if a feature is not
needed, for example, if the I/O pins
are needed for another application.
JP1 can be used to connect the
MISO pin for the LCD (which is not
usually needed) to the SPI bus. We
have found that some 3.5in displays
do not behave correctly; hence, we
have not connected these two lines
directly. For our demo application,
and indeed most applications, it can
be simply left open.
JP2 can be used to connect the LCD
backlight to the 5V rail or I/O pin D0.
Construction options
There are a few options for you to
consider during assembly. MOD1 can
be permanently mounted to the PCB
19 18
D1 Mini
SPI: D5 D6 D7
D8 LCD D/C: D4
17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
10 F
10 F
10 F
8 76 5 43 2 1
No Track Area!
D1 Mini LCD
We imagine that most applications
will be powered from fixed wiring, so
the necessity to turn off the backlight
using D0, to save power, is reduced.
The centre pin of JP2 goes to a pair
of Mosfets and two pull-up/pulldown resistors which provide the
high-current drive needed for the
backlight LEDs. On the 3.5in display,
this can be up to 250mA. An identical
arrangement is used on the Micromite
For our sample application, JP2 is
set to the 5V position.
JP3 and JP4 are the remaining connections and go to the touch interrupt
pin (TIRQ) and SD card detect switch
(SDCD). These can be set to connect
either signal to pin D0 or D1.
The connection to D0 is brought
through a series 1kΩ resistor, as this
pin is actively driven high at powerup. This prevents excessive current
flowing if the pin D0 is used for the
SD card detect function, as the pin is
simply shorted to ground by a switch
inside the card socket.
To help the card-detect function, a
47kΩ pull-up resistor is also provided, as pin D0 does not have an internal pull-up. These two resistors can
be changed if you require a different
role for this I/O pin.
To fill out the substantial space
that is left on the PCB that’s sized to
suit the touchscreens, we’ve provided a large prototyping area that isn’t
shown on the circuit diagram.
This consists of 17 rows of eight
pads which are arranged to fit a 0.3in
DIL packaged device, although it can
be used for other types of components.
An adjacent row of headers breaks
out the spare signals from D1, D0, TX,
RX (UART) and the single analog input A0, along with strips of pads to
connect to ground (GND), 5V and
The PCB itself follows the theme
used for both the Micromite BackPack V3 and the 3.5-inch Touchscreen Arduino Adaptor. The PCB
can be slightly shortened if using a
2.8in LCD panel.
Two sets of mounting holes allow
either size of panel to be securely
mounted with 3mm machine screws
and tapped spacers.
Fig.2: use this PCB overlay diagram and the matching photo below
as a guide during assembly. There aren’t all that many components,
so as long as you take care with the SMDs, you should have it
up and running in no time. Pretty much all the components are
obscured by the touchscreen once it is fitted. For that reason, you
might want to mount external I/O header CON4 on the reverse side.
by soldering it directly, or you may like
to make it removable by using suitable
header sockets.
In the latter case, you will probably
need to increase the space between the
PCB and LCD panel, to give the extra height required when using these
headers. We created some spacers for
the LCD by soldering a row of male
headers to female headers.
Of course, you may also be restricted by the space available for mounting if you are planning to fit the unit
in a wall cavity or similar. In that case,
soldering MOD1 in place is a good
idea. We’ll describe the assembly with
MOD1 fixed in place, although it will
be the last step.
If you don’t need a micro SD card
socket then CON2 and its two associated capacitors can be left off. But
note that they will be much trickier
to install later, so it’s best to fit them
anyway if there’s any chance you’ll be
needing the socket.
If you are planning only to use the
2.8in display, then you can cut or snap
Australia’s electronics magazine
off the right-hand portion of the PCB
before starting assembly. But there’s
no harm in leaving the PCB whole if
you have space.
To avoid inhaling fibreglass dust,
trim the PCB outdoors and wear a face
mask. Carefully score the four PCB
traces to prevent them from tearing.
With flat-nosed pliers, flex the PCB at
the three places it’s joined; it should
snap at the naturally weak points.
You should also file or sand any
rough edges left after snapping; again,
be careful to avoid inhaling the dust.
Fitting the components
The D1 Mini BackPack is built on
a double-sided PCB coded 24106201,
measuring 99 x 54.5mm. Refer to
the photos and PCB overlay diagram
(Fig.2) during assembly. There are a
few surface-mounted parts to install;
we recommend using a fine-tipped,
temperature-adjustable soldering iron,
solder flux, tweezers, solder braid
(wick) and a magnifier of some sort.
Fit the micro SD card socket first, as
October 2020 25
The completed PCB
(left) and married with the Micromite
BackPack display (right). The prebuilt WiFi module is
the blue PCB at lower left of the main board.
it has the closest pins. It has a pair of
locating pins, so it is straightforward
to get it into position.
Apply flux to its pads and place the
part, checking that the pins line up.
Turn up the iron a little and solder
one of the larger mechanical pads to
fix it in place.
Solder the electrical pins by adding
a small amount of solder to the iron,
then touch the tip of the iron to each
pin. The flux should induce the solder
to run off and form a clean fillet. If you
make a solder bridge, leave it for now
and ensure that the remaining pins are
Now go back and remove any bridges using the solder braid (wick). Apply more flux to the bridged pads, then
push the braid against the excess solder with the iron. Once it melts, slowly draw the braid away from the pads.
With the electrical pins complete,
the remaining mechanical pads can
be finished. Leaving these until last
will make it easier to completely remove the part if this is necessary. Apply more flux if necessary, and don’t
forget to turn the iron down to a setting
for regular components afterwards.
The two SOT-23 package transistors are the smallest parts but have
more space around their leads, so fit
them next.
Check the markings to ensure that
Q1 and Q2 are not mixed up. Q1 should
be marked with a code that starts with
an “X” while Q2 may be marked 72,
702 or possibly something else depending on the manufacturer (these codes
are tiny, so you will need a magnifier
to read them).
A good process for surface mounted
components is to apply flux to the PCB
pads and load the tip of the iron with
a small amount of excess solder. Hold
the part in place with tweezers and apply the iron to one lead only.
If it is not flat and square, adjust it
until it is. Then solder the other leads.
Now that the part is secure, the solder
fillets can be tidied up. This can be as
simple as applying some extra flux to
the solder, then touching it with the
There are four resistors to be fitted;
install these next, ensuring the correct
values are used, as per the silkscreen
and Fig.2.
If you are using through-hole capacitors, then solder and trim as per
standard through-hole procedure.
Follow the above process for surfacemounted parts.
Place the 100nF capacitor first; it
will possibly be smaller than the other
capacitors and is closest to the micro
SD card socket. Repeat with the re-
Another view of the way the PCB mates with the Micromite BackPack – it simply
plugs into the 14-pin header socket (CON1) at extreme left and the four-pin
socket (CON1A) at right. Power is supplied via the DC socket (CON3); alongside
is the microSD card socket (CON2) with the USB socket under the WiFi module.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
maining capacitors, ensuring
they are flat and square.
Bend the leads on REG1 down 90°
about 6mm from the body and place
them in the PCB pads. Fit the machine
screw and affix the washer and nut; if
this is done before soldering, then you
can be sure that the regulator is situated correctly. Now solder the leads of
REG1 and trim the excess.
Jumpers and headers
It is easier to fit JP1-JP4 before CON1
and CON1A. Slot JP1 in place and solder one pin. If it is not square, then
you can hold the header by the other
pin and adjust it while remelting the
solder. When you are satisfied that it
is flat and flush, solder the other pin.
To keep JP2-JP4 aligned, push them
all into the female headers that will be
used for CON1 and CON1A. As for JP1,
solder one pin of the group, then adjust
to be level and square before soldering
the remaining pins. Then unplug the
female headers.
If you are planning to use the SD card
socket on the LCD, then you will need
to fit CON1A, at a location depending
on whether you plan to use the 2.8in or
3.5in display. Or you can fit both. Even if
you don’t plan to use this SD card socket, the extra headers help to secure the
boards mechanically and align them.
So it’s a good idea to fit them.
Many LCD panels do not have the
four-pin header fitted, so this will need
to soldered too. The best way we’ve
found to fit all the LCD headers is to
plug the four-pin (male and female)
headers together, then attach the 14way female header to the LCD panel.
Rest the LCD panel face-down and
place the four-way headers in their
pads, with the male pins facing down
(matching the orientation of the 14-way
header). Then rest the PCB on top and
line up the pins with their holes. Solder the pins to the BackPack PCB, then
flip the assembly over and solder the
male pins into the LCD panel.
This process ensures that all the pin
headers and sockets are as square as
possible, making it easier to change
out the LCD panel if necessary; say, if
you are swapping from the 3.5in to the
2.8in variant.
By the way, you might notice that
we’re mounting the touchscreen rotated by 180° in comparison to our previous Micromite BackPack projects.
As the LCD and touch drivers are capable of rotating the display in increments of 90°, this does not cause any
problems later.
Next, solder the DC jack. This may
need some extra heat on the iron, and
the large pads will need a fair amount
of solder. Like the other parts, you can
solder one lead, check that the part is
orientated correctly, then solder the
remaining pins.
The final component is MOD1, the
Di Mini. Many of these (such as Jaycar’s XC3802) come with an assortment
of loose headers. We are assuming that
the D1 Mini is fitted with male header pins underneath (in a fashion that
would allow it to be used in a breadboard), so if you have different headers
fitted, you may need to change them.
If you wish to remove the D1 Mini in
the future, this will mean that the PCB
should be fitted with header sockets.
As noted earlier, you may need to find a
way to space the LCD panel to account
for the space these headers take up.
We’ll assume you’re soldering the
D1 Mini directly to the PCB, as we
have done.
Sandwich the male header pins between the MOD1 and the PCB and tack
a few pins from the top, then flip over
and tack a few pins on the bottom.
Check that everything is square and
correct. You may also like to check that
a USB cable can be plugged in.
Even if you don’t plan to power the
unit from USB, it’s a good idea to leave
it accessible for programming.
Once you are happy with this, solder the remaining pins and trim them.
For the demonstration software
we have written, only one jumper is
needed, for JP2, on the 5V side. See
the photos and overlay to check the
position to fit it.
The final step to a functional unit is
to fit the LCD panel. Plug the 3.5in LCD
into CON1 and CON1A. Installation in,
Parts list – Mini WiFi LCD BackPack
1 double-sided PCB coded 24106201, 99 x 54.5mm
1 UB3 Jiffy Box
1 laser-cut lid to suit UB3 Jiffy box for 3.5in screen (optional)
1 D1 Mini development board (MOD1) [Jaycar XC3802 or similar]
1 14-way female header socket (CON1)
1 4-way female header socket (CON1A)
2 8-way female header sockets (to make MOD1 pluggable; optional)
1 3.5in SPI LCD touchscreen with ILI9488 controller [eg, SILICON CHIP Cat SC5062]
1 4-way male header (usually comes with the touchscreen)
1 2-way male header (JP1)
3 3-way male headers (JP2,JP3,JP4)
4 jumper shunts (JP1-JP4)
1 SMD micro SD card socket (CON2)
1 PCB-mount DC jack socket, ID to suit plugpack (usually 2.1 or 2.5mm) (CON3)
1 M3 x 10mm panhead machine screw, hex nut and washer (for REG1)
8 M3 x 6mm panhead machine screws
4 12mm-long M3 tapped spacers (or longer if mounting MOD1 on sockets)
1 7805 5V 1A linear voltage regulator, TO-220 (REG1) A complete kit of parts (as
1 IRLML2244TRPBF P-channel Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q1) specified here) is available
1 2N7002 N-channel MOSFET, SOT-23 (Q2)
SHOP – Cat SC5503 <at> $70.00
3 10µF 16V X7R SMD ceramic, 3216 (1206) size or through-hole equivalent
1 100nF 50V X7R SMD ceramic, 3216 (1206) size or through-hole equivalent
Resistors (all SMD 3216/1206 size, 1%)
1 47kW (Code 473/4702 ) 1 10kW (Code 103/1002)
say, a wall cavity, will require further
steps, but these will be specific to your
circumstances. We’ll look at mounting
options once the unit is operational.
To secure the LCD panel, attach the
tapped spacers to the front of the PCB
with machine screws from behind,
then slot the LCD panel into the headers and secure it with the four remaining machine screws from the front.
To make use of our software, you’ll
need the Arduino IDE and the ESP8266
Board file; we’ll assume you’re familiar
with the IDE (Integrated Development
Environment). It can be downloaded
We’re using version 1.8.5; you should
use this or a later version.
Installing the ESP8266 add-on for the
Arduino IDE requires adding the URL
package_esp8266com_index.json to
the Additional Board Manager list
(found under File > Preferences).
With the URL added, the ESP8266
add-on can be installed by opening
the Boards Manager (Tools > Board
> Board Manager), searching for
ESP8266 and clicking “Install”. This
Australia’s electronics magazine
2 1kW (Code 102/1001)
can take a while as it is a complete toolchain and board support files.
You may also need USB-serial drivers for the CH340 used on the D1 Mini.
We used drivers from siliconchip. for our WeatherDuino in 2015 (
The D1 Mini corresponds to the “LOLIN (WEMOS) D1 R2 & Mini” in the
Arduino Tools > Board Menu. Ensure
that you have selected this and also selected the correct serial port.
Unzip our sketch to your Arduino
sketch folder and open it with the IDE.
There are no external libraries needed;
the WiFi libraries used are included
with the ESP8266 board download.
There are some LCD-specific library
files that we have included in the
sketch folder.
As with any project which uses
WiFi, there needs to be a means to
select a WiFi network and enter the
network password. Many ESP8266
projects simply hard-code this into
the sketch itself, but that’s a bit crude.
Our sketch is a bit smarter. If it detects that no WiFi network has been
set, it scans for nearby networks and
presents a list for the user to choose
October 2020 27
Details of this are provided at https://
In any case, the free account and API
key are sufficient for us to get a modest
amount of data updated at a useful rate.
This needs to be set in the sketch before upload. Look for the line defining
the OWM_API_KEY in the main sketch
file and change it to the key you’ve
been given. It should be surrounded
by quote marks.
Now we can upload the sketch to the
D1 Mini, by pressing the Upload button on the IDE. The compilation and
upload process may take a minute or
two, after which the LCD should clear.
The sketch
Fig.3: if all goes well with registration, you will get an email from openweathermap.
org with your API key (we’ve redacted ours so you can’t steal it!). Copy this into the
Arduino sketch at the OWM_API_KEY define between the quote marks. Keep your
API key secret, as anyone that has it can use your allowance.
from. The user can then enter the password; the settings are saved to nonvolatile storage. The result is a much
friendlier end-product.
Thus, no WiFi settings in the sketch
need to be changed before uploading;
these can all be set later.
your OpenWeatherMap account.
The free API key allows a limited
number of accesses per day, with paid
accounts allowing more frequent access to more detailed data.
A lot of the sketch is dedicated to
providing control of the LCD and providing a useful user interface, including a GUI routine which displays and
monitors things such as the buttons
and on-screen keyboard.
The sketch uses two sources of Internet data to update its display. The
first of these is NTP (Network Time
Protocol) data for the current time.
Since NTP only provides the time as
UTC (similar to GMT), a timezone offset is needed to calculate and display
the actual local time.
Fortunately, the OpenWeatherMap
data includes timezone information.
It is also used to show things such as
the current and forecast temperatures
and graphics representing these. Sunrise and sunset times are shown too.
The time is pulled from the NTP
One feature of our demo program is
to retrieve weather information and
display it on the LCD screen. This data
comes from the
website. Although it is free to use this
data, an account is required. This is
used to limit free access, and also to
provide access to more data for paid
An email address is needed to set
up an account; open
au/link/ab2h in a web browser and enter your details. An email will be sent
with a confirmation link; after clicking this, you’ll receive a second email.
This second email contains an API
key, which is a hexadecimal code our
sketch needs to access OpenWeatherMap data (see Fig.3). There is an option to generate further API keys from
Silicon Chip
Screen1: the main page of our demo application shows a swathe of information
from OpenWeatherMap. We tried to use a PNG decoding library to display the
icons, but it still had a fairly high dynamic memory requirement and did not
work. So instead, the icons are stored in the flash memory.
Australia’s electronics magazine
server hourly, with the D1 Mini’s internal timer being used to keep track
of time in between. The weather data
is updated every 10 minutes.
After the sketch is uploaded, you can
open the serial monitor to get debugging information.
On the LCD, a message “Scanning...”
will appear, after which a list of WiFi
network names (SSIDs) will appear.
Tapping on one will result in a prompt
to enter the password using an onscreen keyboard.
This will be followed by a prompt
to enter a location. This is the location used by the sketch to query OpenWeatherMap. We found a simple “Sydney” was sufficient to get accurate data
for our location in Australia, but if, say,
you lived in Sydney, Nova Scotia, you
might need to be more specific.
Entering “Melbourne” displayed
data more consistent with Melbourne,
Florida than Melbourne, Victoria.
“Melbourne,AU” appeared to provide
the correct data.
If you aren’t sure, open the Serial
Monitor and watch the displayed info; a
lot of data is output for debugging. The
data retrieved from OpenWeatherMap
will appear as a single, long line. Information such as the latitude, longitude
or country can be used to check that
you have the correct location.
User information (such as WiFi network and location) is saved in nonvolatile storage. The ESP8266 doesn’t
Pin Comments
pin name number
16 Initially high
5 Default Arduino I2C SCL
4 Default Arduino I2C SDA
0 Has pull-up resistor to set the run mode at reset.
2 Has pull-up resistor to set the run mode at reset.
14 Hardware SPI SCK
12 Hardware SPI MISO
13 Hardware SPI MOSI
15 Has pull-down resistor to set the run mode at reset.
1 Can be used as GPIO
3 Can be used as GPIO.
- Analog input with a nominal full-scale value of 3.2V
Table 1: D1 Mini pin numbering
have dedicated EEPROM, but the Arduino IDE provides EEPROM emulation by using a small amount of flash
Thus these settings are retained during power-down and are loaded at power-up. Once set up, the screen usually
displays complete information within
around ten seconds of power being
If you simply wish to use the unit in
a freestanding enclosure, then mounting is much the same as for the Micromite LCD BackPack V3, and you can
use the lid designed for that project to
mount it into a UB3 Jiffy box.
You may like to provide a DC input jack on flying leads to be mounted
on the case, if the existing cable entry
doesn’t suit your application.
Like the Altronics Inventa Plates, we
expect some people will install these
into a wall cavity. This could be as
simple as using the acrylic piece noted
above as a bezel.
Another simple way to do this is to
make a square cutout in a blank wall
plate, as well as four round 3mm holes
for the screws. The D1 Mini BackPack
can then mount similarly to other BackPacks, using a screw in each corner to
secure it.
You could use the blank PCB as a
template for the holes; this may be easier than a populated PCB or the LCD
with its protruding headers.
If you are mounting it to a wall which
has mains wiring behind, consider adding a spacer block to keep it separate.
This will also reduce the size of the hole
which needs to be made in the wall.
Beyond the demo
Screen2: the WiFi setup page provides a similar interface to many ‘smart’
devices. Nearby networks are scanned and listed; the user simply has to enter
the appropriate password.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Our software provides a useful function, but it really shows only a tiny
fraction of what can be done with this
hardware. Many other useful features
can be added relatively easily.
With the popularity of the Arduino
IDE and ESP8266, there are numerous
examples of what can be done online.
This includes tapping into online resources to display data, plus protocols
to interact with other devices within
your LAN, or even via a VPN.
Table 1 shows the D1 Mini’s pin
configuration, which should be very
helpful if you plan to modify the code.
Unlike AVR based boards, many of the
pins on the D1 Mini have individual
characteristics, meaning they are not
entirely interchangeable.
October 2020 29
Screen3: the benefits of a large touchscreen come to the fore on the password
page. Here we can use the ample space to implement a full QWERTY keyboard
that allows all ASCII characters to be entered. Most keys are at familiar locations;
some have been moved for compactness. A similar screen is used to enter the
weather location.
We have therefore carefully chosen
the pins used for the D1 Mini LCD
Over-the-air programming
One of the libraries within the Arduino ESP8266 board profile provides
a very useful feature, especially if you
plan to mount the unit in a wall permanently.
‘Over The Air’ (OTA) programming
means that sketches can be uploaded
to the unit via WiFi. The sketch needs
to have the OTA library included, so
the first sketch upload must be done
through the serial port, but as long
as subsequent code uploads include
the OTA library, OTA can continue
to be used.
Some limitations exist; for example,
the ESP8266 must have enough space
to hold the currently running sketch
alongside the new sketch. This effectively cuts the available sketch flash
space in half.
The mechanism means that the
ESP8266 must be connected to the
same WiFi network as the user; if it
has lost its WiFi credentials, then OTA
will not work.
Being programmable over WiFi also
means that someone else with WiFi
access could reprogram the unit, although a basic password feature is
provided. Still, it’s a handy feature to
have, especially if you need to test the
unit in situ, or if it’s difficult to connect a USB cable.
Silicon Chip
There are example sketches (under the ArduinoOTA heading) and
more information can be found at
While the demonstration program
shown here is quite useful in its own
right, it’s intended to be a starting point
for other projects.
For example, many public transport
operators make their data available. So
it would be possible to display when
the next bus is scheduled to leave your
nearest stop, or even when it is coming down to the minute if realtime data
is available.
While many of these services re-
quire user registration, there is a freely available service for Melbourne
tram information. It is documented at
This project also provides the perfect means of controlling other devices. An increasing number of home automation devices are becoming available, and many of them are suitable for
integration in such a system.
Even in the case that this can’t be
done directly, there are alternative
open-source firmwares which make
this possible.
In particular, many of the ESP8266based smart globes and switches can be
modified by loading the open-source
Tasmota firmware (https://tasmota.
This software and many others use
the MQTT protocol; there are numerous MQTT libraries for the ESP8266,
so interfacing to this protocol is not
Because it uses a publish/subscribe
model, multiple devices can act on the
same information.
There are also mobile phone applications which can be set up to provide
an MQTT dashboard, for example, allowing MQTT data to be displayed or
MQTT messages to be sent at the push
of a button.
The big opportunity here is to automate actions based on the information that the D1 Mini can access. For
example, turning on lights at sunset
or turning off the heater if the outside
temperature increases.
While the D1 Mini BackPack would
only be a very small part of such a project, it is clearly a useful device in its
own right.
Fitting into a UB3 Jiffy box:
because it uses the same LCD panel as
the 3.5in Micromite BackPack, it can be
mounted in a UB3 Jiffy Box using the same laser-cut
acrylic lid (our Cat SC5083). This is the perfect way to mount
and protect the unit if it needs to be installed in a wall cavity.
Australia’s electronics magazine