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What’s your transport mode? Shanks’ Pony? Car? RV? Boat? Plane?
Hot Air Balloon? With a 3.5in touchscreen, our new Advanced GPS
Computer is a great tool for on the road,
in the water or even up in the sky.
It can be customised to exactly
how you want it. You’ll
wonder how you ever
did without it!
Advanced GPS Computer
Part I – by Tim Blythman
he Touchscreen Boat Computer with GPS has been
a phenomenally popular project.
First released five years ago (April 2016; siliconchip., it became one of the first projects to
show just how handy and versatile the first Micromite LCD
BackPack could be.
Over the years, we’ve had numerous requests for features
to be added. It was clear that people weren’t just using it in
their boats, but on the road, in the bush and even in the sky.
The latest minor revisions came in November last year,
with two contributors to Circuit Notebook each adding
their own touches (see
One example was tweaked to provide three simple
screens for use on the road. One screen provides GPS ground
speed and a compass display, while the others show the
time, date and satellite data.
The second example is also designed as a speedometer,
and adds automatic backlight control.
So we thought, why not combine all these features (and
more) into a newer and even better unit? It could use the
larger 3.5in touchscreen to make the display more visible,
with software changes so that users could adjust the displays to their liking.
Silicon Chip
While doing this, it also made sense to integrate the features of our GPS Finesaver with Automatic Volume Control from June 2019 (
That project also needed an update, mainly to give it a
larger display.
So the Advanced GPS Computer supersedes both the GPS
Boat Computer and the GPS Finesaver, combining the features of both and adding new capabilities and refinements.
The new GPS Computer
The GPS Computer is a culmination of all these features
and advancements. Naturally, it incorporates the POI (Point
Of Interest) feature from the Boat Computer. This allows
GPS coordinates to be ‘bookmarked’. The GPS Computer
can then display the heading and distance to the POI, allowing simple navigation, or perhaps helping you to find that
favourite fishing spot again!
It won’t give you turn-by-turn navigation, but it can at
least point you in the right direction.
The large speedometer display is also present, as are
numerous other GPS and time-related data. These include
latitude, longitude, altitude, compass heading and average speed.
Australia’s electronics magazine
The automatic volume control feature from the GPS
Finesaver works precisely like it did in that device.
You can feed audio through the device, via a 3.5mm stereo jack socket, and it will automatically adjust the volume
according to vehicle speed. The output is louder at higher
speeds, to help overcome increased noise from the vehicle.
Our GPS Finesaver article goes into more detail about
why this is a handy feature to have.
Our revised design adds many more new functions. An
audio synthesiser can inject warning sounds, alerts and
even spoken words to the audio path, which can be fed
either to the 3.5mm output jack or a small onboard amplifier and speaker.
An RTC (real-time clock) IC provides accurate timekeeping, even if the GPS receiver has not locked onto enough
satellites. A rechargeable battery provides an integrated
power supply. The battery state is displayed onscreen, and
the unit allows low-power sleep operation, which keeps
the GPS active as well as a complete power-off mode.
But we think that the most important new feature is the
high degree of customisation that is possible. Four user-customisable displays are available that can be changed to
show various parameters in different units. The displayed
screens are also fully customisable to show exactly the
combination of information that you want.
As the user interface is written in MMBasic, it can be
further tweaked by advanced users as needed.
Our photos show the main electronics for the GPS Computer consisting of three boards sandwiched together. This
stack fits neatly into a plastic UB3 Jiffy box. The top two
boards will be familiar to readers as the Micromite V3
BackPack and its accompanying 3.5in LCD touchscreen.
If you aren’t familiar with that device, we recommend
reading the article describing it in the August 2019 issue
Features & Specifica
• Based on Micromite LCD
BackPack V3 with 3.5in LCD
• Custom display and inf
ormation screens including
current and
average speed along with
• Powered by a rechargea
ble batter y and/or DC sup
• Adds automatic volum
e control to vehicle entert
ainment systems
• Automatic backlight con
• Programmed in MMBas
• Points of interest (POIs)
can be saved and navigated
• Internal speaker for wa
rning announcements and
The Micromite V3 BackPack used here is close to its
minimum configuration. JP1 is fitted so it will draw power
from its USB socket, and it is set up for pulse-width modulation (PWM) backlight control. This is necessary to allow
for automatic backlight adjustment.
The only optional parts fitted to the V3 BackPack board
are to enable the RTC feature, and include the DS3231 clock
IC and its accompanying passives; two 4.7kΩ I2C pull-up
resistors and a 100nF bypass capacitor. Also, a two-pin
header is fitted to the BackPack’s CON9 to supply power
to the battery input of the RTC IC.
The other optional parts supported by the V3 BackPack
should not be fitted as they might conflict with some pin
assignments. In particular, the parts in the flash IC box must
not be fitted, nor should the IR receiver. The latter won’t
cause a conflict, but the receiver is unusable from within
MMBasic when programmed with this project’s software.
Add-on PCB
The third board in the stack mentioned earlier is the custom add-board for this project. It just plugs into the Micromite BackPack, and the circuit for this board is shown in
One of the frequently suggested
improvements we had for the GPS Finesaver from June 2019 was that its
display was too small. The Advanced GPS Computer offers a speed display which takes up most of the
3.5in LCD. And if you don’t want a speed display, you can customise it to include a selection of other information.
Australia’s electronics magazine
June 2021 25
The Advanced GPS computer PCB fits
to the rear of a stack consisting of a
Micromite V3 BackPack and a
3.5in LCD. A tactile switch
can be mounted to the rear
at the pads labelled SW2
(S2) to allow operation
from the rear of a UB3
Jiffy Box. Note that an
integrated Li-ion
battery and
holder fit into
a cutout within
the rear PCB.
Connection to the BackPack is via three headers.
The 18-way and four-way headers provide connections
for the Micromite’s I/O and power pins, as for most Micromite projects, while two-way header CON4 connects to the
BackPack’s CON9 as noted above.
About half of the components on the GPS Computer PCB
are to implement the automatic volume control function,
which is broadly the same as that implemented in the GPS
Finesaver. We’ll start with that.
Audio path
Stereo audio comes in via 3.5mm jack CON1. We’ll
follow one audio channel signal as they are identical. A
100kΩ resistor DC-biases the signal to ground to prevent
it from floating when nothing is connected, after which it
passes through a 1kΩ series resistor. This protects against
high currents flowing into the device, and blocks RF signals that the external wiring might pick up.
The signal is AC-coupled by a 1µF ceramic capacitor and
biased (via a 22kΩ resistor) to a 2.5V mid-rail. This rail is
generated by a pair of 10kΩ resistors across the 5V supply,
bypassed by a 220µF capacitor to eliminate supply noise.
IC1 is an MCP4251 5kΩ dual gang digital potentiometer
with 257 steps. The ‘lower’ end of the track (pin 10 for the
left channel or pin 5 for the right channel) is tied to the
2.5V rail, while the other ends are connected to the conditioned audio signals (pin 8 for the left channel, and pin
7 for the right).
The 5kΩ resistance in series with the 1kΩ input resistance
Silicon Chip
and the biasing components means that the signals at pins
7 & 8 are around 80% of the initial magnitude.
The signals on the potentiometer ‘wipers’, pins 9 (left)
and 6 (right), are attenuated depending on the internal
potentiometer setting. This is controlled by an SPI serial
bus on pins 1 (CS), 2 (SCK) and 3 (SDI) of IC1. The bus
is driven from pins 10, 25 and 3 of the Micromite respectively, via the 18-way I/O header.
Note that the MCP4251 is designed to accept different
analog and digital voltage levels. So it will happily accept
the 3.3V digital control signals from the Micromite alongside the 5V maximum audio signals and digital supply
Dual-channel rail-to-rail op amp IC2 is set up to provide
a gain of about three times, both to improve the output
drive level and expand the volume range. Thus, the fullscale output corresponds to around 240% of the incoming
signal; close to 1% per potentiometer step.
A rail-to-rail op amp is needed here due to the narrow
Fig.1 (opposite): the Micromite V3 BackPack PCB
includes the USB data interface, a 32-bit microcontroller,
the touchscreen interface and a DS3231 real-time clock
IC. The remaining functions are on the GPS Computer PCB,
the circuit of which is shown here. It primarily has a GPS
module for speed, time and location data, a digital pot for
volume control, op amps for signal conditioning, a power
amplifier to drive the small speaker for warning sounds,
plus a Li-ion battery charger that runs from 5V.
Australia’s electronics magazine
Australia’s electronics magazine
June 2021 27
supply range. We’ve specified an
LMC6482, but other similar rail-to-rail
devices like the MCP6272 should work
fine. Both IC1 and IC2 have 100nF supply bypass capacitors.
The volume-adjusted audio is
fed into non-inverting input pins
3 and 5 (left and right) of IC2, with
a 10kΩ/5.1kΩ divider connected
between the output pins (1 for left and
7 for right) and inverting input pins (2
for left and 6 for right). These dividers
set the gains to around three times.
The output signals are AC-coupled
and passed through 100Ω resistors to
ensure stability and protect the op
amp outputs, then biased to ground
via 22kΩ resistors and made available
at CON2, the 3.5mm output socket.
Signal injection
Another signal can be injected into
the audio path from the Micromite’s
pin 24, which is PWM-capable and
thus can generate tones or PWMsynthesised analog signals.
The signal from pin 24 is fed into
VR1 to provide level control. VR1, the
470Ω series resistor and 10nF capacitor form a low-pass filter to remove
any supersonic artefacts from PWM
analog signal synthesis.
At this point, there are two options
for where this synthesised audio signal goes.
With two jumpers on each of JP1/
JP2 (across positions 1 & 2, and positions 3 & 4), the 2.2kΩ resistors and
1µF capacitors AC-couple this signal
into the left and right channels of the
existing stereo path, just before they
are fed into IC1.
This has the advantage that the
warning sounds will be heard through
your vehicle speakers. The disadvantage is that these components introduce a small amount of cross-talk
between the channels, reducing stereo
separation slightly.
In this mode, the jumpers on positions 3 & 4 feed the audio from the op
amp outputs to a pair of mixer resistors and then into inverting input pin
4 of SSM2211 audio amplifier IC3.
Its non-inverting pin, pin 3 is tied to
pin 2, which outputs a mid-rail bias
voltage and is bypassed by a 100nF
capacitor. A second 100nF capacitor
provides supply bypassing between,
pins 6 and 7.
IC3’s SHDN pin 1 is held low to
enable the amplifier. The output signal
from pin 5 is fed back to pin 4 via a 22kΩ
resistor, giving close to unity gain, as
the two 47kΩ input resistors are effectively in parallel. A speaker connected
at CON3 is driven by the push-pull signal from pins 5 and 8 of IC3.
The unity-gain setting means that
(as much as possible) the full 5V
headroom is available to both the op
amp and amplifier. IC3 is capable of
delivering around 1W into 8Ω or up
to 1.5W into 4Ω.
The alternative configuration is to
have a single jumper on both JP1 and
JP2, between positions 2 & 3. This
keeps the 3.5mm audio path separate
from the synthesised audio, and only
the synthesised audio is fed to the
speaker connected to CON3.
Battery circuitry
A small Li-ion cell is connected to
the circuit at the BAT+ and BAT- terminals. A slot in the PCB provides
space for a 14500-size cell (roughly
the same as AA cells). The cell can be
connected via a PCB-mounting cell
holder, or by soldering the cell tabs
directly to the PCB.
It provides power to the real-time
clock IC on the BackPack via D2 and
CON4. The diode drops the voltage slightly from the 4.2V that a fully-charged Li-ion cell delivers, reducing the quiescent current slightly. The
diode also prevents power from being
fed back into the cell.
The cell is charged from 5V USB
power when available. IC4 is an
MCP73831 battery charging IC (in
a small SOT-23-5 SMD package).
The 4.7µF supply bypass capacitor
between pins 4 (VIN) and 2 (ground) is
as specified in the data sheet, while the
10kΩ resistor between pin 5 (PROG)
and ground sets the charge current to
a nominal 100mA.
The cell and another 4.7µF capacitor are connected between pin 3 (BATTERY) and ground. Pin 1 (STAT) is
driven low during charging and high
when charging is complete. This is
displayed on bi-colour LED1, with one
lead connected to the STAT pin and
the other to the midpoint of a 1kΩ/1kΩ
divider between 5V and ground.
When STAT is low, the red LED
illuminates with current flowing via
the upper resistor, while the green
LED illuminates when charging completes, STAT goes high and current
flows through the lower resistor. With
5V power absent, the LED is off, and
no current flows through the divider.
Schottky diode D1 feeds the battery
voltage into the rest of the circuit, and
is forward-biased when the circuit is
drawing current from the cell. The
diode is needed to prevent the 5V
supply from being back-fed directly
Many readers have made their own tweaks to the various screens used by the older Micromite Boat Computer. This new GPS
Computer allows custom screens to be laid out without having to delve into the MMBasic code. At left, we see the screen that
allows various tiles to be placed, while at right, the screen is seen in use, containing exactly the information that is needed.
Silicon Chip
Australia’s electronics magazine
into the cell when powered externally.
High-side P-channel Mosfet Q1
switches battery power to the majority
of the circuit, but is usually held off
by the 1kΩ resistor between its source
and gate. The gate can be pulled low by
switches S1 or S2, or N-channel Mosfet
Q2. When the gate is pulled down, the
battery supplies power to the circuit.
Mosfet Q2 is similarly held off by
the 10kΩ resistor on its gate, and
can be turned on by Micromite pin 9
going high.
S1 is simply a two-pin header to
which any momentary switch can be
wired, while S2 is a PCB footprint
suiting a tactile switch; in effect, they
(and Q2’s drain and source) are simply connected in parallel.
Typical operation is as follows.
When USB power is applied, the Micromite starts up and runs its program. One
of the first things it does is pull pin 9
high, so that Q2 conducts and thus Q1
is switched on. This means that if USB
power is removed, the Micromite will
continue to run from the battery.
If the Micromite wishes to shut
down and stop running from the battery (either due to the battery being
depleted or a user request), it pulls pin
9 low, shutting off Q1 and disconnecting its own supply.
If the user wishes to start up the
Micromite from battery power, they
simply press S1 or S2 for a second,
turning on Q1 and allowing the Micromite to start up. It then sets pin 9 high
which latches Q1, allowing the switch
to be released.
A handful of other components are
provided to sense some other parameters.
LDR1 and a 1MΩ resistor form a
divider with an output voltage related
to the current ambient light intensity.
This is filtered by a 100nF capacitor,
to avoid sudden changes, and read by
the ADC (analog-to-digital converter)
peripheral on the Micromite’s pin 4.
The software uses the resulting value to
modulate the LCD backlight brightness.
With a nominal LDR resistance
between 100kΩ and 10MΩ, the measured voltage spans around 0.3V to
3V. It is mapped to brightness levels
selected by the user. The backlight
brightness is controlled by a PWM
signal from the Micromite’s pin 26
and effected by components on the V3
BackPack board.
Parts list – Advanced GPS Computer
1 Micromite LCD BackPack V3 with DS3231 RTC (see below)
1 double-sided PCB coded 05102211, 123x58mm
1 UB3 Jiffy box
1 laser-cut acrylic panel to suit (Cat SC5856)
1 VK2828U7G5LF or similar GPS module (GPS1) [Cat SC3362]
1 PCB-mount AA cell holder (for BAT1)
1 14500 Li-ion cell with nipple (BAT1)
2 PCB-mount switched stereo 3.5mm sockets (CON1,CON2) [eg, Altronics P0094]
1 small, slim 4-8Ω 1W speaker [eg, Digi-Key 2104-SM230808-1]
1 100kΩ-10MΩ LDR (LDR1) [ORP12 or equivalent; eg, Jaycar RD3480]
1 tactile switch (S1/S2) [see text for overall height considerations and alternatives]
1 2-pin male header (CON4)
1 18-pin male header (CON5)
3 4-pin male headers (CON6,JP1,JP2)
4 jumper shunts (JP1,JP2)
4 M3 x 15mm panhead machine screws
4 M3 x 10mm panhead machine screws
4 M3 x 12mm tapped spacers
4 M3 x 10mm tapped or untapped spacers
4 M3 Nylon washers
1 10cm length of 1.5mm diameter heatshrink tubing
1 10cm length of light-duty hookup wire (for the speaker)
1 MCP4251-502E/P dual 5kW digital potentiometer, DIP-14 (IC1)
1 LMC6482AIN dual rail-to-rail op amp, DIP-8 (IC2) [MCP6272 is a substitute]
1 SSM2211SZ push-pull 1.5W amplifier, SOIC-8 (IC3) [Digi-Key, Mouser, RS]
1 MCP73831T-2ACI/OT Li-ion battery charger, SOT-23-5 (IC4)
[Digi-Key, Mouser, RS]
1 3mm bi-colour (2-wire) red/green LED (LED1)
1 1N5819 1A schottky diode (D1)
1 1N4148 small signal diode (D2)
1 IRLML2244 P-channel Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q1)
1 2N7002 N-channel Mosfet, SOT-23 (Q2)
1 220µF 16V electrolytic
2 4.7µF 16V multi-layer ceramic
[eg, RCER71H475K3K1H03B from Digi-Key, Mouser or RS]
6 1µF 50V multi-layer ceramic [eg, Jaycar RC5499]
5 100nF 63V/100V MKT (Code 104 or 100n)
1 10nF 63V/100V MKT
(Code 103 or 10n)
Resistors (all 1/4W axial 1% metal film)
1 1MΩ (Code brown black green brown or brown black black yellow brown)
2 100kΩ
(Code brown black yellow brown or brown black black orange brown)
2 47kΩ
(Code yellow violet orange brown or yellow violet black red brown)
5 22kΩ
(Code red red orange brown or red red black red brown)
6 10kΩ
(Code brown black orange brown or brown black black red brown)
2 5.1kΩ
(Code green brown red brown or green brown black brown brown)
2 2.2kΩ
(Code red red red brown or red red black brown brown)
5 1kΩ
(Code brown black red brown or brown black black brown brown)
1 470Ω
(Code yellow violet brown brown or yellow violet black black brown)
2 100Ω
(Code brown black brown brown or brown black black black brown)
1 1kΩ mini horizontal trimpot
(Code 102)
Additional parts for V3 BackPack PCB
(In addition to the basic 3.5in BackPack V3 kit, Cat SC5082)
1 DS3231 real-time IC, SOIC-16 (IC4) [Cat SC5103]
1 2-pin female header socket (CON9)
1 18-pin female header socket (for Micromite I/O)
1 4-pin female header socket (for Micromite power)
1 100nF MKT capacitor
2 4.7kΩ 1% 1/4W axial resistors
Australia’s electronics magazine
June 2021 29
an accurate 3.3V supply voltage as the
calculated pin voltage is based on an
assumed 3.3V supply. On a 5V USB
supply, the 3.3V regulator has no trouble maintaining this.
When running from battery power,
the Li-ion cell is not allowed to discharge below about 3.6V. Otherwise,
the Micromite chip’s supply can drop
below 3.3V (dropping about 0.2V
due to D1 and another 0.2V in the
regulator), which would affect ADC
readings. This is also why LiFePO4
cells are not suitable for this design,
as their normal operating voltage is
below 3.6V.
GPS receiver
An LDR and LED fitted to the
Advanced GPS Computer PCB
protrude through the front
of the enclosure. Their leads
are protected by yellow
heatshrink. This view also shows how
the battery holder is recessed.
The supply voltage is also monitored,
by reading the voltage on the audio
circuit’s mid-rail divider, via pin 5.
The measured battery divider voltage
is doubled in software to get its actual
value. Two thresholds are used to determine the GPS Computer’s power state –
the upper level discriminates between
the 5V delivered by USB power, and the
4.3V of a fully-charged cell.
A second threshold is used to determine a lower limit for the battery, to
allow the Micromite to shut down
before the battery is discharged excessively. Between these thresholds, a
rough state-of-charge figure is calculated and is displayed when running
from battery power.
The Micromite’s pins 4 and 5 are
also used for in-circuit programming,
so the GPS Computer PCB must be
disconnected if the chip needs to be
The optional flash IC that can be
installed on the V3 BackPack uses pin
4 too; thus, it also would conflict with
the GPS Computer’s operation.
The 3.3V reference for the Micromite’s ADC depends strongly on having
Silicon Chip
Of course, it wouldn’t be a GPS computer without being able to receive
a GPS signal. Six-way header GPS1
allows a GPS module, such as the
VK2828 type, to be attached. The
header provides power and routes the
GPS serial data back to the Micromite’s
COM1 RX at pin 22.
Power is supplied to the GPS module from the battery downstream of
D1, allowing the 5V supply to preferentially feed the GPS module when
available (via Q1).
If this were not done, the GPS module would draw current from the battery even when USB power was available, and the charging circuit would
not detect that charging is complete.
The GPS module’s EN pin is connected to the nominal 5V rail, allowing the GPS module to go into lowpower mode when the GPS Computer
switches off (either USB power is
unavailable or Q1 is off). This allows
the GPS module to retain satellite
information when the GPS Computer
is off, allowing faster satellite acquisition when needed.
While the VK2828 datasheet indicates a 40µA power-down current,
we measured around 2mA being consumed by the module. Removing the
POWER LED on the GPS module saw
this fall to the expected value.
Software operation
The photos of the GPS Computer
that we’ve presented should give you a
good idea of its capabilities; there isn’t
much mystery as to how it achieves
what it does. The Micromite receives
GPS data from the GPS module and
displays it on the LCD screen.
Of course, there is quite a bit more
going on than that suggests. We
Australia’s electronics magazine
wouldn’t be surprised if readers find
some interesting ways to use the software we’ve written.
Micromite’s MMBasic is very powerful, but it isn’t especially fast. Fortunately, there is the option to incorporate so-called CSUBs and CFUNCTIONs into a program.
These are effectively precompiled
machine-code routines that can run
without the MMBasic interpreter’s
overhead, but can be invoked from the
MMBasic code. We use the CSUBs and
CFUNCTIONs for three broad roles.
The first is controlling the 3.5in LCD
panel. There is no native driver for the
ILI9488 display controller on the 3.5in
panel, and it would be far to slow to do
this in MMBasic. We’ve used this code
previously in the RCL Substitution Box
from June and July 2020 (siliconchip.
The two other functions are diverse,
but are combined into another CFUNCTION specifically for the GPS Computer. One handles audio synthesis,
while the other processes data from
the GPS receiver.
Audio production
While it is easy to create rough
square-wave tones using a PWM output, they sound harsh. So we’ve written code that can play back PCM-coded
audio samples. It’s limited to 8-bit data
at 8kHz, as that is a reasonable compromise between the amount of space
needed to store the samples and sound
The PIC32MX170’s TIMER1 is
pressed into service as the 8kHz sampling timer. Since the IR receiver function on the Micromite also depends
on TIMER1, these functions cannot
be used at the same time; hence, our
comment earlier that there is no point
fitting the IR receiver.
Pin 24 is set up to output the 8-bit
PWM signal on a 156kHz carrier. With
256 levels, 156kHz is the highest PWM
frequency available with a 40MHz processor clock. The RC filter noted earlier
removes the 156kHz carrier, leaving
just the audio frequency components.
When stored in memory, each audio
sample data set is preceded by a 32-bit
number indicating its length. During
playback, the timer interrupt steps
through the data until it reaches the
end, after which it shuts down the
PWM signal.
A software flag can cause
the sample to loop, allow$GP
ing sounds to be compactly
Galileo (Europe)
stored as just one cycle in
GLONASS (Russia)
memory. For example, a
Beidou (China)
400Hz sine wave cycle can
Combined data from more than one GNSS
be stored as 20 samples if
Table 1: GNSS prefixes
the sampling rate is 8kHz.
With the PIC32’s flat 32-bit address sound is not great. But it’s recognisable
space, these can be stored in flash and makes for a very intuitive interface.
So the GPS Computer can deliver
memory (program storage) or RAM (eg,
variables). So the MMBasic code can either sampled audio or synthesised
create samples at runtime, then play speech, although not at the same time,
since they are output on the same pin.
them back.
There is also a facility to produce synthesised vocal effects using GPS CFUNCTION
Our CFUNCTION also contains
so-called Linear Predictive Coding
compression. LPC is a very efficient routines to help process the NMEAcompression method for reproducing formatted data from the GPS module.
the human voice. It’s what was used While MMBasic is quite capable of
in many talking toys from the early performing this task, the CFUNCTION
1980s, such as the Texas Instruments speeds this up considerably, leaving
more time for other tasks.
Speak & Spell.
The GPS data stream consists of a
The compression is remarkable,
needing fewer than 200 bytes per sec- series of ‘sentences’ which contain a
ond. While Texas Instruments pro- variety of data. You can read more about
duced custom ICs to convert this to their structure and content on p63 in
speech, it’s now possible to do this in our April 2018 “Clayton’s GPS” project (
Our code defines several parsers,
The easiest method is to use the
open-source Arduino “Talkie” library, each corresponding to a sentence type,
which can be found at https://github. which is recognised from its prefix.
Each parser then processes the data
This allows an Arduino Uno (and into an MMBasic string array if it is
other similar boards) to process LPC valid and correct, and sets a flag to let
the main program know that new data
data into audio. That page also has links
describing how the LPC data is stored is available.
We’ve also created some routines to
and decoded.
We’ve included this functionality in decode the curious latitude and longithe CFUNCTION to process LPC data to tude formats used in NMEA data. One
generate synthesised speech. Like any routine extracts the number of degrees,
data that has been heavily compressed another the number of minutes and a
and output at a low sample rate, the third, the fractional number of seconds.
There are a total of 23 different tiles that can be placed,
including numerous parameters drawn from the GPS data
and related to selected POIs (points of interest). A number of
tiles appear as buttons, adding further functions to a screen,
such as being able to quickly access a different screen.
With several different satellite navigation systems coming online to complement GPS,
we’re also seeing variations in
the data that receivers produce.
Such systems include the Russian GLONASS and Chinese
Beidou systems. (See our article
in the November 2019 issue at
For example, some receivers now
generate sentence prefixes of “$GN”
instead of “$GP”, even though the
data is otherwise identical. This simply reflects that the receiver is using a
different satellite system to calculate
its position. The various strings generated by different types of receivers
are shown in Table 1 above.
But since it is only the third character of these sentences that changes, we
simply ignore it instead of checking it,
allowing the unit to process data from
any receiver which outputs a similar
Part II next month . . .
In the next issue, we’ll describe
construction of the Advanced GPS
Computer PCB, modification of the
Micromite V3 BackPack to add a realtime clock IC, loading of software and
how to assemble the parts into a completed unit.
Since we expect some people to be
interested in making their own changes
to the software, as they did with the previous GPS Computer, we’ll also delve
deeper into how various parts of the
software work.
You might even be curious about
using the various CFUNCTIONs in your
own projects.
One tile which we are sure will be popular is a simple,
clear, large, easy-to-read speed readout. The units can
be changed between many common road, nautical and
aeronautical formats. There’s even enough room left over to
add a handful of other tiles below this.
Australia’s electronics magazine
June 2021 31
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