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Items relevant to "Advanced Test Tweezers, Part 2":
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Part 2 by Tim Blythman
This new design, introduced last month, adds many features to the SMD
Test Tweezers concept. No longer only for testing passive components, the
new Tweezers can also act as a voltmeter, logic probe, basic oscilloscope,
square wave generator and serial protocol analyser. This final article has all
the construction and usage details.
he Advanced Test Tweezers
circuit is simple and the PCB
compact. The new functions
are provided by the substantially
larger firmware hosted in a 16-bit
PIC24 rather than an 8-bit PIC12 or
PIC16. That’s due to the PIC's hugely
increased flash memory size, up from
7kiB to 256kiB, for only a couple of
dollars more!
This has allowed us to fit so many
new modes, and enhance the existing ones, that a substantial part of
this article will explain how to use
them all. But before we get to that,
we need to assemble the Tweezers.
You can gather the parts yourself and
program the blank PIC using software
downloaded from our website, or you
can buy a complete kit with the PIC
already programmed.
The design uses an SSOP-28 package microcontroller and M2012/0805
passive components, so the pin
spacings are a bit tighter than the
SOIC-8 and M3216/1206 parts that
we used previously. Still, it’s eminently doable with patience and a
fine-tipped soldering iron (or even a
larger tip, if you know how to use it;
flux paste is your friend).
Start by assembling the main PCB
and solder the microcontroller first.
It’s easily the part with the finest pitch
pins and is best dealt with if no other
components get in the way.
Apply flux to the pads on the PCB,
then rest the IC in place, making sure
pin 1 is aligned with the dot. Clean
the tip of the iron and add some fresh
solder, then carefully tack one pin
and check with a magnifier that the
pins are aligned on their pads and flat
against the PCB.
If necessary, adjust its position by
remelting the solder and gently nudging it. Your life will be much easier if
you get all the pins close to perfectly
lined up with the pads now. Then,
carefully solder each pin in turn, keeping the iron low on the pads, cleaning the tip and adding solder to it as
necessary. You can apply more flux to
the pins too. You can also drag-solder
them if you know how.
Check that the pins are soldered
and that there are no bridges. If there
are bridges, add more flux and use
some solder wick to draw out the extra
Like the earlier Tweezers variants,
we’re mainly using surface-mounting
parts to keep it compact. The main
change from the earlier versions is that
the 28-pin micro has more closely-
spaced pins than the 8-pin micros
used before, but some passives are
slightly smaller too. So you will need
tweezers, flux paste, solder-wicking
braid and a magnifier to complete
this build.
Use solder fume extraction or work
outside if you don’t have one. Refer
to Figs.5 & 6 (the PCB overlays) and
photos as you go, which show where
the components are mounted.
Silicon Chip
The Advanced SMD Test Tweezers consists of the
Main PCB (top and underside shown enlarged) and
one of the Arm PCBs shown below (actual size).
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solder. Surface tension should leave a
small but sufficient amount of solder
attached to the pin and pad.
If you haven’t previously done any
work with parts this small, you might
like to clean the excess flux away to
make it easier to inspect your work as
you go. Even if you’re experienced, it’s
best to clean it up when you’re done
and use a magnifier to verify that all
the solder joints have adhered to the
pins and pads, and that there are no
hard-to-see bridges.
The remaining 14 passive components on the top of the PCB are all
M2012/ 0805 size (2 × 1.2mm); none
are polarised. The resistors should
be marked with codes representing
their values, but the capacitors will
probably not be. If in doubt, the 10µF
part is likely the thicker or larger
Apply flux to the pads for all the
parts and solder the 10µF capacitor
first. Like the IC, tack one lead, check
that it is flat and aligned within its
pads, then solder the other lead. Apply
more flux and touch the iron to the first
pad to refresh the joint.
Use the same technique to solder
the two 100nF capacitors, then the
resistors, in the locations shown in
There are only a few parts on the
reverse of the PCB: two diodes and the
cell holder, as shown in Fig.6. Solder
in the two diodes now. Though small,
the SOT-23 parts are pretty easy to
work with and should only fit in the
correct orientation.
Then solder the cell holder. Make
sure that the opening faces the edge
of the PCB, as shown in Fig.6 and
the photos. Use a generous amount
of solder to ensure the connection is
mechanically sound.
It’s a good idea to clean any flux
residue off the PCB now. Doing so at
this stage means that the entire PCB
can be immersed in a solvent before
the switches are fitted, so it won’t get
into their mechanisms.
Your flux’s data sheet should recommend a solvent, but we find that
isopropyl alcohol works well in most
cases. Allow the PCB to dry thoroughly. The Advanced Tweezers can
measure relatively high resistances,
and traces of flux residue could affect
Now is a good time to thoroughly
inspect the soldering of the smaller
surface-mounted parts, as it will be
tricky to make any repairs once the
OLED has been fitted. Look closely for
solder bridges and check that IC1 is in
the correct orientation.
Solder the three tactile pushbuttons
in place next. That should be easy, as
they have relatively large pads. You
can carefully wipe away any flux
residue left behind with a cotton tip
dipped in solvent.
The standard 1% resistors used
give the Advanced Tweezers a useful
degree of accuracy. Still, if you have
access to an accurate multimeter,
you can measure the exact value of
the six ‘probing’ resistors to improve
its accuracy. They are marked in red
in Fig.5.
These are the 1kW, 10kW and 100kW
resistors along the side near the top
of IC1. The four lower 1kW resistors
also affect measurements in the Scope
and Meter modes, but we’ve provided an automatic calibration for
them that does not depend on their
exact values.
Measure and separately note the
exact values of the six resistors. It’s
much easier to do this now, before the
OLED is fitted over the top. A menu
will allow these values to be loaded
into the Tweezers during the calibration stage.
Programming IC1
If you don’t have a pre-programmed
chip (we sell a programmed micro
individually and as part of a kit), you
will need to program it using a programmer such as a PICkit 3, PICkit 4
or Snap. If you need to provide power
to the chip (likely if you are using the
Snap), you can temporarily insert a
coin cell into the holder.
The ICSP header, CON1, can be
soldered in place for programming.
However, we find it’s sufficient to
insert a five-way header pin strip into
the PCB pads, so you might like to try
that. This way, the header does not
get in the way when the arms are fitted. Gentle sideways pressure on the
header during programming should
keep the pins in contact with the
plated holes.
We recommend programming using
the free MPLAB X IPE software. Select
the correct part (PIC24FJ256GA702)
and open the 0410622A.HEX file. Use
the Program button to upload the HEX
file to the device.
The only indication that programming was successful will be a message
like “Program/verify complete” in the
Figs.5 & 6: remember to measure the resistances of the resistors marked in red and thoroughly check the soldering for
bridges before fitting the OLED. It will take a lot of work to get to the top of this PCB (shown at left) after the OLED is
fitted. You can use the large pad at top right (light grey) to support the OLED module by soldering a short piece of stiff
wire between the two. The cell holder and two dual diodes are on the reverse side of the PCB (shown at right). The diodes
should only fit one way, but the cell holder can be reversed. Fit it in the orientation shown so a cell can be inserted from
the side near the edge of the PCB. Both overlays are shown enlarged at 150% of actual size.
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March 2023 75
Fig.7: this shows how the two arms attach to the main PCB. It is easier to solder and align the tips to the arms after the
arms are fitted to the main PCB. The arms are shown parallel here, but it's better to angle them as shown opposite.
bottom window of the IPE. If you have
fitted a cell, remove it now to complete
the assembly.
Fitting the arms and tips
The arms must be fitted before the
display to ensure that the OLED is
spaced clear above the main PCB and
clear of the arms. For the tips, we use
the same arm design as the Updated
Tweezers from April 2022, including the gold-plated header pins. Fig.7
shows the arrangement.
The gold-plated header pins are
easy to source, and as a bonus, they
can also plug directly into prototyping gear like jumper wire sockets and
breadboards. Fit the arms to the main
PCB, then solder the tips, making it
easier to align the tips to be the same
length and parallel.
Place the arms as seen in the photos.
They connect to the CON+ and CON−
pads and should have their copper
tracks on the inside of the arms to
reduce stray capacitance while being
They should only extend past the
CON+ or CON− pads where they leave
the PCB. This will keep the arms clear
of other connections on the PCB, especially those for the OLED screen.
Angle the arms slightly inward to
achieve about 15mm of tip separation when at rest. This will allow the
Advanced Tweezers to be used with
axial leaded components too. You
could set them closer if you only use
them on surface-mounting parts.
Use a small amount of solder to
take the arms and adjust their positions as necessary. Then use a generous amount of solder on both sides of
the arms and main PCB to ensure a
good mechanical connection between
Keep the pin headers side-by-side
in their plastic holder until they
are soldered, as this will keep them
aligned. Use a generous amount of solder and ensure it flows into the holes
on the arm PCB, giving more strength.
Test the action of the arms and if
necessary, use your iron to melt the
solder and adjust them.
OLED installation
The final step is to fit the OLED module, MOD1. If the OLED does not have
a header strip fitted, attach that first,
ensuring that the pins are perpendicular to its PCB.
The OLED needs to be fitted such
that it cannot flex and touch any other
part of the Tweezers, so space it about
1mm above the arms. You can use BluTack or similar to locate it squarely
in place, and tack one lead to confirm. Check that there is clearance all
around between the PCB and OLED.
Then solder the remaining leads to
their PCB pads.
Take care when operating the Advanced Test Tweezers
The Advanced Tweezers make use of a coin cell. Even though we have
added protections such as the locking screw, there is no reason for this
device to be left anywhere that children could get hold of it. Also, the tips
are pretty sharp and might cause injury if not used with care.
Avoid applying voltages across the Tweezers test tips when it is actively
driving them. While this obviously includes the Tone mode, remember that
the pins are also driven in the I/V, Auto, Res, Cap and Diode modes.
So be sure that the Tweezers are set to the Meter, Scope, UART or
Logic mode before connecting to an external voltage source. If a glitch
causes the Tweezers to reset, they restart in Meter mode to avoid further
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Removal of the coin cell is stopped by
a Nylon screw and two nuts.
The arrangement of the arms and tips is much the same as that for the Updated Tweezers, using the same arm PCBs (blue
this time) and gold-plated pins as simple, practical tips. This photo shows operation in left-handed mode.
Initial testing
At this stage, the Tweezers are complete enough to do a quick functional
test. Insert the cell into the holder, and
the OLED should light up in Meter
mode, with a reading under 1V. Pressing S1 should cause the counter at bottom right to start flashing, and S2 will
cause it to stop flashing. Pressing S3
will switch to the next mode (Scope).
If something else happens, your
Tweezers probably have a problem, so
you should remove the cell and check
the assembly. If the displayed voltage
is wrong, check that the resistors all
have the correct values and are in the
right locations. Any of the switches not
working could point to that switch not
being soldered correctly.
Any problem you spot might also be
due to a soldering problem with IC1,
particularly bridged pins or a solder
joint that doesn’t contact both the pin
and pad.
If all is well, the assembly can be
completed after removing the cell. The
top-right mounting hole of the OLED
is designed to be soldered to the main
PCB using a header pin or similar. This
will prevent the OLED from flexing at
this end and coming into contact with
the arms.
You can now apply heatshrink
tubing to the arms, taking care not to
Fig.8: this sticker is for protecting
the rear of the Advanced Tweezers
PCB. Alternatively, you can print the
artwork, laminate it, cut it out and
glue it to the back of the cell holder.
direct heat towards the OLED screen.
Cover as much of the arms as possible from the main PCB to just before
the tips.
The back of the Tweezers is protected by a small sticker that will
be supplied with the kit or PCB set,
shown in Fig.8. You can also download the artwork from
If printing it yourself, it’s a good idea
to laminate it. Cut along the border to
make a shape to match the main PCB.
For more advice on making labels,
Then use clear neutral-cure silicone
or a similar adhesive to secure it to the
back of the Tweezers. A small amount
of glue on each of the arms and the
back of the cell holder should be sufficient to hold it in place.
Finally, fit the cell and secure it
using the Nylon screw and two nuts.
Put the head of the screw at the front,
on the same side as the switches, so the
extra height of the thread at the back
blocks the cell from being removed.
Before using the Tweezers, we recommend performing some calibration
steps, explained just below. We’ll also
explain all the various modes and how
to use them.
In general, pressing S3 cycles
between the various modes and S1 and
S2 have different functions depending
on the mode. A long press (more than
one second) of S3 changes between
Settings and the normal operating
In Settings mode, pressing S3 cycles
between the different settings, while
S1 and S2 adjust the particular setting,
as described on the screen.
The calibration procedure has a few
steps but is fairly logical. To enter the
Settings mode, hold S3 for more than
a second and release.
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#1 Handedness
Screen 1: being configured for right- or
left-handed operation doesn’t change the
polarity of the CON+ or CON− connections,
but the diode polarity icons will appear
relative to the arms.
The first page allows the display
orientation to be set to suit either lefthanded or right-handed operation –
see Screen 1. The setting is toggled
by pressing either S1 and S2, and the
change occurs immediately.
All settings like this take effect
immediately, so you can test them
before being saved to non-volatile
flash memory. There is also a Restore
option to reload the initial defaults in
case of a problem. Pressing S3 cycles
to the next page.
#2 Six resistor values
Screen 2: while it will provide reasonably
accurate readings without calibration, it is
better to enter the exact values of the six
most critical resistors (see Fig.5; as measured
by a multimeter) on these screens.
The following six pages set the values of the probing resistors you measured earlier, as shown in Screen 2.
After the resistor value is an “L” or “R”,
indicating whether you are setting the
March 2023 77
value of the corresponding resistor on
the left or right side of the main PCB.
The values are adjusted in steps
of 0.1%, ie, 1W for the 1kW resistors,
10W for the 10kW resistors and 100W
for the 100kW resistors. Use S1 and S2
to adjust these values, and then press
S3 to step to the next.
On all pages like this, S1 will
increase the displayed value and S2
will decrease it. Brief presses will
make single steps, but holding the
button in will cause it to increment or
decrement about ten times per second.
#3 Internal reference voltage
Screen 3: diode and capacitor measurements
will be most accurate if the internal bandgap
reference is calibrated. Adjust it using S1 and
S2 until the displayed cell voltage is correct.
The BAT page (Screen 3) calibrates
the internal reference, which is nominally 1200mV and is shown at the
page's bottom. The value on the second line is the calculated cell voltage
based on the reference setting.
Trimming this parameter is best
done with a multimeter. Measure
the actual cell voltage (which can be
measured at pins 2 and 3 of the ICSP
header) and adjust the displayed cell
voltage until it matches.
The voltage shown in Screen 3 is
higher than might be expected from
a coin cell, as we were using a 3.3V
supply for testing. In this case, the
reference voltage has been trimmed
upwards by about 3%, from 1200mV
to 1237mV.
#4 Lead/tip resistance
Screen 4: the lead resistance was close
to 0Ω in our prototype, but this setting
might be handy if you are working with
breadboards and jumper wires with
significant resistance.
The next page (Screen 4) sets the
lead resistance, which defaults to 0W.
Our prototypes had less than 1W of
lead resistance and so were accurate
enough; thus, you probably do not
need to change this. You can test this
by pressing the tips together on a mode
that displays resistance.
If you are connecting extra leads or
jumper wires and breadboards, you
can account for the higher resistance
with this setting.
#5 Auto calibration
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#6 Stray capacitance
Screen 6: stray capacitance can be tuned
automatically or entered manually; it should
be around 100pF. You can check it varies by
setting it to 0pF and watching the value on
the Cap screen.
The stray capacitance of our prototype is around 100pF; check that you
have a similar value, as seen in Screen
6. A vastly different value might indicate a problem, like a resistor in the
wrong location.
#7 Meter offset
Screen 5: the AUTO SET tunes three
calibration parameters by performing
internal measurements with the tips open. It
depends on the previous calibration settings
being entered and correct.
The next page (Screen 5) provides
the option to AUTO SET several
parameters, namely stray capacitance,
Meter offset and CTMU trim. These
require the tips to be left open and not
As shown last month, a header pin is used to act as a reinforcing spacer at one
corner of the OLED. This prevents the assembly flexing and causing a short
between the two PCBs.
connected to anything, and are only
accurate when the previous settings
(test resistances and internal reference
voltage) have been calibrated.
Hold the Tweezers as you usually
would to take into account the stray
capacitance of your hand. Then press
S1 to start this process. It takes less
than a second and you can review
the values on the subsequent pages
by pressing S3.
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Screen 7: Meter offset adjusts for any
difference in the two 1kΩ/1kΩ dividers and
is set by the AUTO SET page. The 16mV error
is noise in the ADC measurement, being a
single ADC step.
The Meter offset adjusts the relative
value of the four lower 1kW resistors;
it is effectively the difference between
the midpoints of the two voltage dividers shown in Fig.4 last month. The
value at the bottom is the number of
ADC steps used to adjust the reading.
In Screen 7, you can see the actual
Meter reading at top right. You can validate this by verifying that the reading
hovers close to 0mV when the tips are
open. The -16mV seen corresponds to
a single ADC step, and thus the resolution in this mode.
#8 Current source trimming
#10 Screen blanking timeout
Screen 8: the CTMU’s current source is also
trimmed by the AUTO SET page but has very
coarse trimming, with 2% steps. You can
observe this by manually adjusting the trim
value on this page.
Screen 10: with an option to disable the
timeout in all modes, the timeout value is
less critical than on the earlier Tweezers. The
default is 30s, but it can be set from 3s to 99s
to suit your needs.
The CTMU current source, used for
capacitance measurements, can be
trimmed on Screen 8. The lower value
is the degree of trimming, with each
step being a delta of about 2%. This is
a hardware limitation and is a significant factor in limiting the accuracy of
capacitance measurements.
The value shown at upper right is
the deviation of the measured current
from its nominal value on the 550µA
scale, while the lower number indicates the amount of trimming, with
zero being the default. With a 2%
deviation, the steps are around 11µA
apart, so a setting within about 5µA of
zero is optimal.
Note that the Meter reading depends
on the internal bandgap reference voltage being set correctly, as does the
CTMU trim. The CTMU trimming procedure uses one of the 1kW resistors
and thus depends on its actual resistance too. So ensure these values are set
before running the AUTO SET process.
Screen 10 sets the display Timeout
and is the countdown (in seconds)
before the Tweezers enter their lowpower sleep mode after the last button
press. This value can be set between
3 and 99 seconds with a default value
of 30s.
Note that the operating screens all
have the option to freeze the timer so
that the Tweezers can be used continuously when required.
#9 OLED brightness
#11 Save settings to flash
Screen 11: all calibration and operation
parameters are live as soon as they are set.
On this page, you can press S1, then S2 to
save them to flash memory so you won’t have
to repeat the calibration.
Screen 11 gives the option to Save
the calibration settings to flash memory. On this page, press and release
S1 and then S2 to save the data. You
should do this once the Tweezers are
set up to your liking.
#12 Restore settings from flash
Screen 9: the OLED is one of the major drains
on the coin cell, so a low brightness setting
increases the cell life. We had no trouble
using the Tweezers with the OLED set to quite
a low brightness.
On Screen 9, the display brightness
can be set between 32 and 255, with
64 being the default. This setting is a
compromise between display visibility and cell life. You should set this to
the lowest level at which you can still
read the screen clearly.
Screen 12: if the settings become corrupt,
the Restore option will load defaults from
a backup location. You can also load flash
defaults by holding S3 while powering on the
Australia's electronics magazine
The Restore page (Screen 12) can be
used to reload the default settings from
a backup copy. These settings are put
into use straight away.
Although it would be very unusual,
it’s possible for the saved settings
in flash to be corrupted. This might
happen if, for example, power is lost
while writing to flash. Such corruption can be detected by the micro and
trapped to avoid improper settings
being used.
If you get a “Flash Error” message
when powering up the Tweezers,
remove the cell and hold S3 in while
reinserting it (giving a “No Flash”
This bypasses the loading of the
settings from flash, after which you
can use the Restore and Save pages to
reload and rewrite the flash memory
with uncorrupted data.
You should then treat the Tweezers
as if they have not been calibrated and
repeat the calibration procedure.
#13 Exit settings
Screen 13: besides this screen, you can
also leave the Settings pages at any time
by pressing and holding S3 for more than
a second. A brief press of S3 will take you
back to the first Setting.
Screen 13 shows the final Exit page
that allows you to press S1 or S2 to
return to operating mode, while S3
will return to the first Settings page. A
long press on S3 at any time will also
exit Settings mode.
During operation, the bottom line
in all modes shows data that always
has the same format. From left to right,
it shows the current mode, the cell
voltage and a countdown timer. If the
timer is flashing, it has been paused
and does not count down, allowing
continuous operation.
When the timer counts down to
zero, the Tweezers will enter the lowpower sleep mode with a blank display. Pressing any of S1, S2 or S3 will
reset the timer and resume normal
March 2023 79
#1 Meter mode
Screen 14: the initial Meter display mode,
which can read up to 30V with both negative
and positive polarities (with respect to CON+
and CON−). The resolution is 10mV to 9.99V
and 0.1V above that.
The Tweezers start on the Meter
screen, which displays the measured
voltage between the probe tips. Screen
14 shows the Tweezers in Meter mode,
connected to a fresh 9V battery.
Pressing S1 in this mode will pause
the sleep counter and pressing S2 will
resume it. As is typical, any button
press will also reset the sleep counter.
Pressing S3 cycles to the next mode.
#2 Scope mode
time division, which is marked by a
more solid vertical graticule.
Thus, one time division is displayed
before the trigger point and three after.
A tiny arrowhead also marks the trigger voltage level to the left of the grid
Due to the slow update speed of
the OLED display, the trace is not displayed live. Instead, a sample set is
taken, spanning around two full screen
widths. It is checked for trigger conditions and an appropriate portion is
If no trigger is found (or AUTO trigger mode is selected), the first screenful of samples taken is displayed, along
with a “WAIT” message. If a trigger is
found, then the trigger point is aligned
with the graticule and “TRIG” is displayed.
Since a complete sample set at some
of the longer time divisions can take
several seconds, it can be a while
before data is displayed.
#3 UART serial decoding
Screen 15: Scope mode is handy, even
though there are only 100 horizontal and 48
vertical pixels in the trace area. It samples at
up to 25kHz, is suitable for audio use, and
has adjustable trigger settings.
Screen 16: we find the UART Serial Decoder
indispensable at times. Like the Scope mode,
it is highly configurable in terms of baud
rates, bit depth and data polarity. This shows
the TXT view.
Scope mode is shown in Screen 15,
with a nominally 100Hz 6V peak-topeak waveform fed to the Tweezers by
a second set of Advanced Tweezers in
the Tone mode.
This has various parameters to set;
pressing S1 cycles between the parameters, while S2 adjusts the selected
parameter by cycling between the
available options.
You can see which parameter is
selected as it will be flashing. These
include the vertical axis maximum
(voltage), trigger mode (RISE, FALL,
BOTH or AUTO), trigger level in volts,
timebase per division and whether the
vertical axis minimum is 0V or the
negative of the maximum.
Pressing S1 also cycles through the
countdown timer; while it is selected,
the countdown timer is paused.
The trigger point is fixed at the first
The next mode is the Serial Decoder,
labelled “UART” (see Screen 16). The
bottom text shows the current settings, which are similar to those in
Scope mode. S1 cycles between the
parameters (including the sleep timer)
while S2 adjusts the selected, flashing
The first setting is the baud rate,
which includes standard rates from
110 to 115,200 baud. The second
setting is the format, which can be
eight bits with odd, even or no parity or nine bits with no parity. These
are shown as 8O, 8E, 8N or 9N and
are followed by a choice of one or
two stop bits.
The idle logic level is next and can
be HI or LO, followed by a choice of
text or hexadecimal (“TXT” or “HEX”)
display output.
Screen 16 shows TXT mode, which
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works much like a serial terminal and
will handle line feed, carriage return
and tab characters. The text will scroll
up as lines are filled at the bottom of
the screen. The text seen here is actually a decoded square wave; hence, the
same character is repeated.
HEX mode does not handle any
control characters but displays both
ASCII and HEX representations, also
scrolling up as needed. Only HEX
mode can display the full range of
9-bit data, and it also indicates parity
(“P”) and framing (“F”) errors. Screen
17 shows the same data as Screen 16
but in HEX mode.
The decoding depends on the
PIC24FJ256GA702’s hardware UART
and logic levels, but since the I/O pins
are behind the protective resistors, this
will work fine with any logic levels of
around 3V or higher. Even non-TTL
voltage levels, such as legacy RS-232
(which can swing between -15V to
+15V) should be successfully decoded
by choosing a LO idle level, since -15V
is the idle level.
Screen 17: the Serial Decoder also offers
a hexadecimal mode, useful for seeing
binary data and control codes. Framing or
parity errors are shown, which can help to
determine the data format.
#4 I/V plotter
Screen 18: while Diode mode cannot report
dual diodes such as bicolour LEDs, the I/V
Plotter shows both polarities. The current and
voltage scales can be zoomed in for more
Screen 18 shows the I/V (current vs
voltage) plotter, designed to characterise passive components. This uses
much the same scheme as Meter mode,
applying a voltage via different resistor
combinations to probe the component
at different operating points.
Six readings are taken, including the
voltage and current at each point. This
is limited to about ±3V due to the cell
supplying the test current; the current
can be no more than around 1.5mA
due to the minimum 2kW resistance.
Like in Scope mode, the vertical
and horizontal scales can be adjusted
by using S1 to cycle between current
(vertical), voltage (horizontal) and the
timeout counter. S2 cycles between the
available values.
The horizontal scale can be set to 1V,
0.5V, 0.25V, 0.1V or 0.05V per division,
while the vertical scale can be 1mA,
500µA, 200µA, 100µA or 50µA per
division. The values are displayed in
mV and µA, respectively.
The 0V/0A origin is always at the
centre of the display, and the I/V display updates continuously, so it is
well-suited to sorting through piles
of unmarked parts. Screen 18 shows
what it indicates for a yellow LED with
a forward voltage of around 1.7V.
#5 Logic Analyser
Screen 19: the Logic Analyser shows whether
it detects a high, low or high impedance logic
level. A scrolling chart also shows a brief
history, making it easier to see transients and
repeating patterns.
Pressing S3 again switches to the
Logic Analyser, as shown above in
Screen 19. Sensing is done by alternately probing with high and low
voltage levels via one of the 100kW
resistors. A voltage that follows the
probing voltage is assumed to be high
It shows 1, 0 or Z at the left of the
screen to indicate a logical high, low
or high impedance level. A horizontal scrolling display also
shows about a second’s worth
of history to allow brief transients or waveforms to be discerned.
Here, we see a high-level signal that is interrupted by brief
low pulses. Like in the Scope
and Meter modes, S1 and S2 will
pause and resume the countdown
timer, respectively.
#6 Tone Generator
an audio signal via a series capacitor
(in the circuit, or added), which will
remove the DC offset.
#7 Component measurements
Screen 20: like Scope mode, the Tone
Generator is handy at audio frequencies or
as a simple clock generator. It can produce
square waves at five different frequencies
and four different amplitudes.
Screen 20 shows the Tone Generator. Unlike most of the other mode
settings, which are retained between
uses, the tone is turned off when it
is not being used to avoid interfering
with other modes. It can be toggled on
and off by pressing S2 when the ON/
OFF indicator is flashing.
There are choices of 50Hz, 60Hz,
100Hz, 440Hz and 1kHz. Only square
waves are produced. There are four
output (peak-to-peak) levels, which
are nominally 300mV, 600mV, 3V
and 6V.
The 300mV waveform is produced
by toggling one output via a 10kW
resistor and dividing that with a 1kW
resistor to ground. The 600mV selection drives two outputs similarly, but
with opposing phases, to achieve the
necessary swing.
The 3V and 6V outputs are fed to
the tips directly from one or two pins
respectively, without the divider. The
level selections assume that the supply
is at 3V and the load resistance is relatively high. Under other conditions,
the voltages could be different.
Because of the way they are generated, the 300mV and 3V outputs also
have a DC offset that the other two
modes do not. So, you can use the
3V mode to drive a clock signal into
3.3V logic (or 5V logic, if it accepts
a 3V signal swing), or you can use
the 300mV and 3V modes to feed in
Screen 21: the Auto screen is only one of
ten pages but encompasses and surpasses
the abilities of its predecessors. It shows
resistance, capacitance, diode polarity and
forward voltage.
Finally, we come to the modes that
can be used directly read off the values of passive components. These are
similar to the older Tweezers variants
but have wider measurement ranges.
The Auto mode performs readings
for resistors, capacitors and diodes and
displays the readings for all three. You
might get readings for more than one
component type, as there is no algorithm that will always correctly determine what has been connected.
Screen 21 shows Auto mode with
no components connected. A high
resistance and low capacitance are
displayed. In Auto mode, pressing S1
will pause the countdown timer while
S2 will resume it.
The subsequent Res, Cap and Diode
modes concentrate on just the one
component type and display it in a
larger font. These are seen on Screens
22-24, respectively.
The maximum resistance that can
be displayed depends mostly on leakage currents in the circuit. However,
above 40MW, it will not achieve the
stated 1% accuracy due to there being
insufficient resolution at this end of
the scale.
We have specified much the same
range for capacitor testing as the
The underside of the Advanced SMD Test Tweezers (shown at actual size) is
mostly empty, with only the battery holder and two diodes present.
Australia's electronics magazine
March 2023 81
Screen 22: the Res screen provides the
same resistance information as the Auto
screen but in a larger font, which is handy
for checking and sorting through different
resistor values.
Screen 23: the Cap screen works similarly,
displaying just the measured capacitance in
large text. It’s perfect for working out which
part is which amongst a pile of unmarked
SMD capacitors.
Screen 24: the Diode screen is similar to the
diode display on the Auto screen but a bias is
applied from CON+ to CON− between tests.
This lets you quickly check the polarity and
operation of LEDs.
Improved Test Tweezers. Above these
ranges, leakage and other factors make
it difficult to achieve the stated accuracy, especially for electrolytic capacitors.
The Advanced Tweezers will report
up to 2000µF, but you should not rely
on readings above 150µF. Since this
is well above the typical range for the
MLCC (multi-layer ceramic capacitor)
types that we typically use for SMD
designs, we don’t expect this will be
much of a concern.
Remember that many capacitors are
manufactured to tolerances as wide as
±20% (and sometimes even +80,-20%).
The diode test current is higher
than the earlier Tweezers due to the
1kW test resistors. In the standalone
diode mode, the forward test current
(CON+ positive and CON− negative)
is supplied between samples, so LEDs
should be seen to light up when connected in the forward direction.
passive component measurement and
many new modes.
The PIC24FJ256GA702 is a substantial upgrade over the tiny 8-bit, 8-pin
parts we previously used; we are not
even using half of its resources or features in this design.
These new Test Tweezers can
replace a basic voltmeter, logic probe
and even oscilloscope in some situations, making them an indispensible
general-purpose test instrument.
We expect that the Advanced SMD
Test Tweezers will be both popular
and useful, not just for the numerous
test and measure modes, but also as a
tool during SMD assembly.
The original SMD Test Tweezers
and the subsequent Updated SMD
Test Tweezers are compact and handy
devices. By adding a more powerful
and better-provisioned microcontroller, we have added numerous extra features in creating the Advanced SMD
Test Tweezers, including improved
The Advanced Test Tweezers have 10 different modes, so you can measure
❎ Resistance: 1Ω to 40MΩ, ±1%
❎ Capacitance: 10pF to 150μF, ±5%
❎ Diode forward voltage:
0-2.4V, ±2%
❎ Combined resistance/
capacitance/diode display
❎ Voltmeter: 0 to ±30V ±2%
❎ Oscilloscope: ranges ±30V at
up to 25kSa/s
❎ Serial UART decoder
❎ I/V curve plotter
❎ Logic probe
❎ Audio tone/square wave
It runs from a single CR2032 coin
cell, ~five years of standby life
Has an adjustable sleep timeout
Adjustable display brightness
The display can be rotated for leftand right-handed use
Components can be measured
in-circuit under some circumstances
Complete kit for $45 (SC6631;
The kit includes everything pictured, except the lithium coin cell and optional programming header. See the series of
articles in the February & March 2023 issues for more details (
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine