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3D Printer
Drying Chamber
This device uses relatively simple hardware to keep 3D printer plastic filament warm,
driving moisture out and keeping it out. That’s important for consistent printing
results, especially with PLA or Nylon filament. Your printer can draw the filament
directly out of the sealed box.
Part 2 by Phil Prosser
here are two main versions of our
Filament Dryer design: one that
uses an off-the-shelf plastic box to
store the filament, plus a custom timber box made from plywood. While
making the timber box isn’t all that difficult, it is a bit involved, so we won’t
go into great detail on how to build it.
We think most people will prefer the
convenience of simply buying and
modifying a pre-made box.
Both solutions perform similarly,
although the timber box is, in some
ways, a little bit neater. We suggest
you read through most of this article before deciding which approach
is best for you. Before we get to the
boxes, let’s build and test the controller electronics.
Controller construction
The controller is built on a PCB
coded 28110241 that measures 126 ×
93mm. During assembly, refer to its
overlay diagram, Fig.3, which shows
which parts go where, as well as Photo
4 (note there are some differences
between the prototype and final version of the PCB). It is not hard to put
together; we have stuck to throughhole parts and easy-to-get bits. The
board layout puts all the controls and
adjustments along one edge, which we
mounted to face the user.
Start by fitting all the resistors.
Make sure you use 1% tolerance 12kW
and 2.7kW resistors. The others are
Silicon Chip
not so critical, although we tend to
just use all 1% resistors these days as
they don’t cost that much more than
5% resistors.
Follow by mounting the diodes,
ensuring that they are orientated correctly, as shown in Fig.3, and that you
don’t mix up the four different diode
types (again, refer to the overlay).
Mount D6 on longer leads so you can
bend it to sit in the fan’s airflow channel, as shown.
Now install the LEDs. We bent
LED7 (red, heater running) and LED12
(green, temperature achieved) over so
they are visible from the control side
of the PCB once it’s installed in the
enclosure. LED8 doesn’t matter as
it’s used for its forward voltage, not
because it lights up.
Next, fit the 100nF ceramic/MKT
capacitors, which are not polarised,
then the three electrolytic capacitors,
which are. The latter must be inserted
with the longer (positive) lead into the
pad on the + side. The negative stripe
on the can indicates the opposite, negative side.
You can then solder the PIC microcontroller and LM358 operational
amplifier. If you bought your PIC from
the Silicon Chip store, it will already
be programmed. Otherwise, you will
need to install CON6 and use a PICkit
or similar to program it yourself. The
firmware can be downloaded from:
Australia's electronics magazine
Next, fit the five components in
TO-92 packages: four transistors
and the LM336BZ voltage reference.
Ensure they go in the locations shown
and the flat face is orientated as per
Fig.3 and the PCB silkscreening. Follow with the headers and trimpots.
While heatsinks are shown for transistors Q1 and Q2, they are not necessary unless you are using a Mosfet
with a higher RDSon than the one we
specified (for Q2) or your fan draws
more current than the one suggested
(for Q1). However, you need to make
sure the metal tab side of each device
faces to the left, as shown in Fig.3.
Now is also a good time to mount
REG1. Like Q1 and Q2, its metal tab
must face to the left. Then you can
solder the fuse clips in place; it’s easier to get them positioned correctly by
inserting a fuse before soldering them,
but be careful not to overheat it.
On the top side of the board, that just
leaves CON1, S1, S2, VR3 and F2, all
of which can now be mounted, with
the exception of F2.
The thermal fuse warrants some care
in soldering, as it will ‘blow’ at 77°C,
which is not hot at all when soldering.
We blew the first one we soldered, so
be warned!
We dealt with the thermal fuse by
using quite long leads and being very
fast in soldering. To draw away some
of the heat, you could clamp something like pliers (with a rubber band on
Photo 4: the top side of the early prototype PCB,
repeated from last month’s issue.
the handle), a haemostat (self-closing
pliers), or perhaps a clip-on heatsink
on the lead between the fuse and pad
during soldering.
The fan is installed on the back of
the PCB and is intended to push air
into the enclosure. If you look at the
side of the fan, you will typically see
two arrows, one indicating the rotation direction and the other the airflow direction.
If you are using a fan different
from the one we got from Altronics, check that yours draws more
than 50mA when running and
less than 10mA when stalled.
This will ensure that the protection system operates as intended.
Secure the fan and its 40mm grille
on the underside of the PCB using
16mm-long M3 machine screws,
hex nuts and shakeproof washers.
You can use a polarised header
plug to connect this fan to CON4
or solder its leads directly to the PCB,
as it should not usually need to be
At this point, the board should be
fully loaded and ready to test. Testing
can be done without the heater plates
and before the controller is installed
in the enclosure.
Testing procedure
Start by applying power and checking for excess heat or smoke. The fan
on the PCB should be running all the
time; that is normal.
Check that the 5V rail is OK; there
are GND and 5V test points in the
lower right-hand corner of the PCB.
If the voltage between those is not in
the range of 4.75-5.25V, check around
the LM317 regulator. Are the resistors
the correct values? Is there a short on
the regulator, PIC or op amp?
Use a DVM to monitor the voltage
on the 2.5V test point at upper right
and adjust VR1 to get 2.5V on that test
point. If you can’t do that, check that
the LM336-2.5 is the correct part and
the right way around.
If the onboard fan is not running,
check for about 12V on the “+” pin of
CON4, the fan header. If it is present,
check that the fan is plugged in the
right way around and that the wiring
is OK. Also verify that the BD139 transistor (Q1) and 12V zener diode are
both the right way around.
Now set the temperature control (VR3) fully anti-clockwise and
adjust trimpot VR2 up and down.
You should see the green “Set Temp
Achieved” light (LED12) switch on
and off.
If that does not happen, check the
voltage on pin 6 of IC1, the LM358.
This is the forward voltage of the temperature sense diode and should be
about 0.55V. Also check the voltage
on pin 5 of IC1, which is adjusted by
VR2. It should vary above and below
0.55V as you rotate VR2.
Fig.3: use this overlay
diagram to help you
assemble the controller
board. All parts mount on the
top, except the 40mm fan,
which goes on the underside.
Its power wires come around
to the top side of the board to
plug into CON4. Watch the
orientations of the ICs, Q1.
Mount LED7 & LED12 on long
leads bent over to face the left.
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November 2024 83
Fig.4: the wiring to the heater
resistors is straightforward. If
using low-value resistors, you
might want to connect them in
series rather than parallel. Either
way, the thermal cutout must
be wired to disconnect all the
resistors if it gets too hot.
• Do not place the heat plate in
continuous contact with timber; it
can auto-ignite. Use standoffs for
any heater plate at the bottom of the
• Ensure that the circulation fan can
circulate air throughout the enclosure.
• Ensure that the air around the
temperature sense diode will be representative of the overall enclosure air
temperature (good circulation should
provide that).
• Ensure that the user can easily
access the controls, especially S2.
• Ensure that the 90°C thermal cutout switches are installed and located
near the heating resistors.
• Ensure the resistors are securely
connected to the plate and will not run
excessively hot.
There are two primary considerations for resistor selection. Firstly,
they must be able to be affixed to
the heatsink securely. Secondly, you
must be able to safely dissipate about
50W into your case. Our experiments
showed that in a normal room, 50W
is adequate to achieve 50°C.
You can use resistors in series or
parallel. We had a bunch of 7W 25W
resistors lying around that we used
in one prototype, wired in series. Do
your sums and select the resistance
you need, then search out the cheapest option. The resistors specified in
the parts list (visible in the photos) are
pretty close to optimal in terms of ratings, size and cost.
Once you have made the heater
plates, it is worth plugging them into
the controller on the bench and checking that they work as expected. Once
you set the system running, the heater
plates should get hot after a few minutes. You should be able to feel that
each resistor is dissipating power by
touching its case while running; it
will be noticeably warmer than the
If any resistors are extremely hot,
check that they are correctly mounted.
If they’re all reaching about the same
temperature, the heater is ready to go.
Wire up the plate using medium/
heavy-duty hookup wire rated to a
minimum of 90°C; Altronics carries
suitable wire, as stated in the parts list
last month. Make the flying leads long
enough that you can assemble the box
easily. The required connections are
shown in Fig.4.
On the controller end of the wires,
we recommend crimping them into
Australia's electronics magazine
Photo 6: this
shows how the
resistors & thermal
cutout mount onto the
heat plate shown in Fig.5,
along with the wiring (with the
resistors in parallel, as per Fig.4).
Also note the 50mm standoffs made
from pairs of 25mm male-female spacers.
Check the voltage on pin 7 of the
LM358. It should
switch between low
(0V) and high (a couple of
volts below the supply) as
VR2 is adjusted. If it does, but LED12
is not lighting, that points to a problem
with diode D12, transistor Q3, LED12
or its series resistor.
Now it’s time to use VR2 to calibrate the temperature setting. Do
this at room temperature (20-25°C).
Turn VR3 up a little bit. Yes, that is
a technical term; aim for around 1/3 to
1/4 of its travel, which corresponds to
around 10°C.
Adjust VR2 until green LED12 is off,
then slowly rotate it anti-clockwise
until LED12 comes on. Once you’ve
done that, VR3 will let you adjust the
set point from room temperature to
about 30°C above that.
Now if you turn VR3 fully anti-
clockwise, LED12 should come on. If it
does not, repeat the prior step with the
control up a ‘little bit more’ (another
technical term).
Turn VR3 up, and LED12 should go
off. Now press the Start button, S2. The
red “Heater On” LED, LED12, should
light. That means the PIC and Mosfet
Q3 are working, as is the thermostat.
If not, check that there is about 12V on
the left-hand side of the 4.7kW resistor between Q3/Q4 and Q2. This is the
Mosfet gate drive. If not, verify that
you have used a PNP device for Q6.
The PIC output at pin 5 should start
high (5V) and go low (near 0V) when
you press the Start button, S2. You can
check this by monitoring the upper pin
of CON5, nearer Q2. If this does not
go from high to low when you press
S2, check the PIC.
Silicon Chip
With this all OK, the controller
should be working and ready to test
and install. The fact that the Mosfet switches the LED indicates it is
You are ready to assemble and
wire the heater plates, which we
will describe in the next section. The
approach to use will depend on how
you are packaging the Dryer.
Making the heater plates
We are presenting two approaches to
the heat plates. These aim to dissipate
50W in the enclosure while keeping
surface temperatures to a safe level.
With a 50°C enclosure temperature,
these plates reach about 70°C. Any
aluminium sheet more than 1.2mm
thick will work, depending on what
you have available.
In deciding how you want to make
your heater plates, here are the safety
controls you need to consider:
Fig.5: this
plate for the
plastic box
holds just
three power
resistors and
the thermal
cutout. All
are in
pluggable header pins and inserting
them into the blocks so you can easily
plug in and remove the heater boards
to the controller. You can use any
matching pair of 2.54mm pitch headers and plugs for this, just make sure
that the connector is rated for 3A or
more (the Altronics ones in the parts
list are rated at 3A).
We like to flow a little solder into the
crimped joint to ensure it can’t come
loose, but if you do that, be careful not
to add excessive solder or get it on the
outside of the pin, or it may no longer
fit in the block. The pins often need to
be straightened before they will slide
into the blocks and click into place.
They can be released by pressing the
tab with a tiny flat-bladed jeweller’s
We recommend against soldering
the wires straight to the PCB, as this
will make the whole thing very fiddly
to handle and assemble.
Making the enclosure
As mentioned previously, you have
two options: modify a plastic box or
make your own timber box. We won’t
go into a lot of details for the latter
case; we recommend you only take
that route if you are confident in sorting out the details yourself.
For the simpler plastic enclosure,
the secondary heat plate is just three
resistors and a 90°C thermal cutout
switch mounted to a 180 × 210mm
sheet of 1.5mm-thick aluminium, as
shown in Photo 6.
The recommended drilling
pattern and mounting locations are in Fig.5. We used
50mm metal threaded standoffs
(two 25mm male/female spacers
joined) to fix this to the end of our
plastic box.
The controller mounts on the primary heat plate, shown in Fig.6 and
Photo 7. This uses the same size
sheet, but holds the heating resistors,
thermal switch and also the control
board. We cut a 40mm hole in the
plate and mounted the controller on
15mm standoffs so that the fan forces
air through this hole. This plate also
uses 50mm standoffs and mounts to
the end of the plastic enclosure.
In both cases, secure the resistors
to the plates using 10mm-long M3
machine screws, shakeproof washers
and nuts. Add a little thermal paste
under each resistor for good heat
Photo 7:
this plate is
similar to the
one shown in
Photo 6, except
it’s rearranged to
allow the controller
board to mount on it.
There’s a hole under the
fan that you can’t see from
this angle.
Australia's electronics magazine
November 2024 85
Fig.6: the
plate for the
plastic box
is similar
to the first,
except that
the controller
board also
mounts on it,
with a hole
for the fan’s
airflow to pass
We use a single large heat plate
measuring 330 × 225mm for the timber enclosure, as shown in Fig.7 and
Photo 8. This sits in the base of the
To ensure there is good ventilation
around this, we bent the outer 60mm of
each side up at about 45° and screwed
six 10mm standoffs on the underside
of the flat part to act as feet. This creates a plenum under the entire plate
and larger triangular plenums down
the sides.
The ends of the plenum are cut off
at 45° to create openings at the opposite end to the controller. We have
mounted the controller so that it draws
air through this plenum. The six resistors are mounted three on each side of
the plate, on the underside, so they are
protected from peoples’ fingers and
stray material.
We also mount 90°C thermal
switches on either side of the plate to
protect against overheating. In all our
testing, we did not manage to trigger
these switches, but they are an important failsafe. Do not omit them.
Fig.7: the heater plate for the custom box has all six power resistors mounted on it, three on each side, with each triplet
having its own over-temperature cutout. The six holes in the middle are for standoffs to space it off the bottom of the box.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
We made a lid for the timber enclosure from two sheets of acrylic (not
included in the parts list). One is cut
to the full size of the box, and a second
is cut so it fits neatly inside the box.
By mounting these to one another with
10mm spacers (we drilled straight
through both sheets, ensuring an exact
alignment of holes), we achieve a poor
person’s ‘double-glazed’ lid, which
self-aligns itself when you put it on
(see Photo 9).
Photo 8: the all-in-one heater
plate for the custom timber
box, shown from the
underside so you can
see the mounting
and wiring of the
components, along
with the feet made
from tapped spacers.
The box
Your approach to the box will
depend on how handy you are in the
workshop and how much time you
want to spend. We will show two
examples of how it can be made, one
from 12mm plywood and the other
using an 18L storage box from our
local hardware shop. To reduce heat
loss, you need to install Corflute insulation in both versions.
If you chose a smaller plastic box,
you would have less heat loss and be
able to achieve a higher temperature
and/or reduce the power consumption.
We will leave this to your creativity.
We certainly would not go any larger
than the 18L box we used.
We used some offcuts of 12mm plywood for our timber box and made a
rod to hang four 200mm diameter filament reels inside. While there is no
standard, most manufacturers seem
to be settling on this as the size of a
1kg reel. We added a baffle inside the
box that allows us to force air circulation through it. It also ensures that
our controller is protected from any
rough handling of the reels.
Because we used timber, which is
not moisture-proof, we gave the
box two coats of varnish.
We used “Estapol”, but
any paint will do, so you
can make it any colour
you like. Check the paint
you’re going to use to see if
you need to seal and/or prime
the timber before applying it.
Our design includes provision for
a rail on which you can hang up to
four reels of filament. We 3D-printed
the hanger hooks; the STL files
for these and the other 3D-printed
parts used can be downloaded from:
These suit 22mm diameter or
smaller timber dowel; ours was
pinched from an old broom handle.
Photo 9: we made a lid for
the custom timber box from two
sheets of acrylic, making it ‘double
glazed’. The sheets are held together
with short tapped spacers and machine
screws. Note the filament exit hole in the
Australia's electronics magazine
November 2024 87
Photos 10 & 11: these photos show the locations of the two heat plates and controller in the plastic case. Note how the
dowel is held in place by two red 3D-printed brackets to make it easy to add and remove reels.
We also made ventilation covers, one
for the exit and one for the ventilation fan (the ventilation fan should be
installed in a hole in the outside of the
box). Both of these allow you to close
the vent. The STL files for these are in
the same download package.
We used long screws to secure the
vent fan cover to the case; you could
use superglue instead.
We have included some simple
drawings of our timber box in the
download package, but we expect
readers to have their own spin on it.
Again we note that the box we built
is right at the upper limit of what we
would suggest you build; making it
shorter would reduce heat loss.
For the Bunnings plastic box, we cut
‘insulation panels’ from polypropylene Corflute material. We chose this
as it is easily cut, includes air pockets
for insulation and does not present a
fire hazard at the temperatures we are
working with.
The sidewall insulation pieces are
270mm wide at the base, 290mm wide
at the top and 235mm high. The end
wall insulation pieces are 200mm
wide at the top, 180mm wide at the
base and 235mm high. The side flaps
are 10mm wide at the base and 35mm
wide at the top. The bottom layer insulation sheet is 280 × 170mm.
Foam tape must be applied around
the top lip of the box to improve the
seal on this enclosure. It makes a
huge difference to the system’s performance. We found it increased the
temperature inside the box by 4°C for
the same power input (tested at 34W).
To justify the need for insulation,
we tested the performance with and
without insulation. With 50W continuous dissipation in the insulated box,
it reached 50°C (22°C ambient), while
Photos 13 & 14:
here you can see
the finished custom
timber box, with
3D-printed parts
holding up the dowel
from which the
filament reels hang.
This box can handle
four 1kg reels. The
Corflute insulation
on the sides and the
foam tape to seal the
lid are essential for
good performance.
The controller is
mounted in the
section, behind the
baffle panel, with a
hole for the fan to
push air through.
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Australia's electronics magazine
Silicon Chip
Photo 12: the finished Filament Dryer in the custom timber case connected to a
Creality 3D printer.
without insulation, it only reached
41°C at the same power level. The Corflute insulation and foam seal for the
lid together save around 20W during
You should insulate the timber box
similarly, but the dimensions of the
pieces will depend on the exact size
of your box. Once insulated with Corflute, the timber box’s performance was
pretty much identical to that of the Bunnings plastic one, reaching 50°C with
50W of dissipation or 41°C at 32W.
Using the Dryer
Using the Dryer is really simple. You
thread the reels you want to dry onto
the rail and hang them in the Dryer.
Secure the lid and press the Start button with your selected temperature (set
with VR3) and time (set with S1; up
[away from the PCB] is six hours and
down [towards it] is nine). We prefer
to turn the temperature up to 50°C and
allow the controller to take over from
there, but almost all our printing is
done with PLA.
We hope that the discussion of
safety & implementing controls in the
design has led to some consideration of
where and how safety in design plays
a role in your hobby.
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