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Project by Richard Palmer
USB Mixed-Signal
Logic Analyser
using a Raspberry Pi Pico
A mixed signal
analyser can be
invaluable as it
lets you monitor
and decode serial
buses and other
logic signals while
observing other analog signals.
Based on a Raspberry Pi Pico, this one
provides 16 digital and three analog channels.
logic analyser is a fundamental
tool for debugging digital circuitry,
whether it is hard-wired logic or
involves a microcontroller. Along with
traditional parallel and sequential
logic, circuit elements are now commonly connected to microcontrollers
using I2C, I3C, SPI, or serial connections. Often, analog signals trigger or
are triggered by digital signals. This is
the domain of the mixed-signal oscilloscope (MSO).
While this project does not claim to
be an all-bells-and-whistles MSO, it
provides flexible logic analyser functionality and the ability to view up to
three analog signals synchronously. It
is relatively compact and inexpensive.
Design overview
A block diagram is shown in Fig.1.
At the heart of the design is a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller. The
Pico’s very fast PIO (Programmable
I/O) processor captures digital signals, while its inbuilt ADC (analog-to-
digital converter) captures the analog
signals. The captured signals are translated into serial format and transmitted
to the host computer via a USB serial
Silicon Chip
The open-source PulseView program decodes and displays the waveforms.
Input signal conditioning and overvoltage protection are provided for
both analog and digital channels. The
digital side employs logic translators
and schottky protection diodes, while
the analog channels offer an amplifying buffer, diode protection, AC/
DC switching and potentiometers for
gain control.
As with digital oscilloscopes, the
sampling rate is a critical specification for logic analysers, determining
the maximum frequency that can be
reliably displayed and, possibly more
importantly, the smallest difference
in signal timing that can be distinguished.
The Pico can sample up to twenty
digital signals at an impressive 240
million samples per second. To
achieve that, it is overclocked from its
default 133MHz to 240MHz, which is
well within safe limits.
The achieved sampling rate depends
on the number of enabled channels
and the desired number of samples to
be captured – see Table 1.
The maximum capture rate reduces
when the quantity of data to be captured exceeds the Pico’s internal buffer
space and data needs to be streamed
via the USB link. The manual contained in the download pack for this
project has further details (siliconchip.
PicoMSA Features & Specifications
» 20 protected digital inputs for 1.8V, 3.3V or 5V logic
» Three protected 7-bit analog inputs
» Four additional 3.3V protected digital inputs
» 240MHz digital sampling rate
» Analog inputs have adjustable sensitivity of 0.33-120V peak-to-peak
» 2.4MHz maximum shared ADC sampling rate
» Flexible, multi-platform PulseView software with multiple protocol decoders
» USB powered and connected
Australia's electronics magazine
The logic-level translator ICs can
handle sixteen 5V, 3.3V or 1.8V logic
inputs (D2-D17). The last four digital
inputs, D18-D21, do not have logic-
level translators and are optimised for
3.3V logic levels.
All analog and digital inputs are
protected against excessive positive
or negative voltages. The digital inputs
are protected for an absolute maximum signal range of -5V to +20V. The
input capacitor’s 250V DC rating determines the upper limit to the analog
input voltage, although applied signals should be limited to 25V RMS or
60V peak for safety.
Analog signals may be AC or DC
coupled, with a selection switch for
each channel. The maximum sensitivity for analog inputs is 330mV fullscale. They are sampled with 7-bit
accuracy, translating to 2.5mV steps
at maximum sensitivity.
When analog signals are captured,
the maximum sampling rate is limited
by the ADC’s 2.4MHz conversion rate,
which is shared among the enabled
analog channels.
As PulseView does not smooth analog signals, five samples per cycle is a
practical lower limit for displaying a
recognisable sinewave (Screen 1). That
gives us a theoretical AC bandwidth of
around 500kHz when capturing a single analog channel or 160kHz when all
three channels are enabled.
With a small number of samples per
cycle, if the signal being displayed is
not an exact sub-division of the sampling frequency, patterns like the one
shown in Screen 2 may appear.
It looks like an amplitude-modulated signal due to the sample points
near the peak occurring at a slightly
different part of the waveform each
Table 1 – maximum sampling rates
# digital # analog
# samples
Maximum sampling rate
Table 1: the maximum sampling rate depends on the number and type of
channels active and the number of data points to capture. In each case, the
limitation is either the maximum PIO, USB or ADC speed.
Fig.1: incoming digital and/or analog signals are conditioned before being
captured by the Pico’s internal PIO (digital) and ADC (analog) peripherals. The
captured data is transferred to the host computer via USB for display on the
open-source PulseView application.
Australia's electronics magazine
September 2024 53
The frequency of the apparent modulation is related to the remainder of
the signal frequency divided by the
sampling rate.
In DC mode, the analyser has an
analog frequency response within
+0/-0.5dB to 100kHz and +0/-2dB up
to 300kHz. The equivalent lower limits are 2Hz (-0.5dB) and 5Hz (-2dB) in
AC-coupled mode (see Fig.2).
The Pico PIO peripheral
Fig.2: the analyser’s AC analog channel bandwidth. The DC bandwidth is
within 0.5dB from DC to 100kHz and within 2dB to 300kHz.
Fig.3: the Pico’s PIO (programmable I/O) processor has flexible facilities for
interacting with I/O signals at very high speeds, communicating with the
main CPU via FIFO buffers.
The Pico’s internal PIO is a very fast
and flexible secondary processor, optimised for I/O processing – see Fig.3.
It can operate up to the CPU speed
which, in this case, has been moderately overclocked to 240MHz.
The PIO’s instruction set consists of
only nine instructions and the maximum length of a PIO program is 32
instructions. Those are not major limitations as each PIO instruction word
can accomplish multiple actions, so
complex I/O programs can be written
with few instructions. For instance, an
SPI port can be created with just three
PIO instructions.
In this project, the PIO executes a
loop with a single instruction: read
from a defined number of pins and
move them into the PIO’s eight-entry
first-in, first-out (FIFO) buffer to be
picked up by the Pico’s main CPU for
further processing.
The FIFO buffer is 32 bits wide and,
when the number of digital inputs
being captured is less than 16, the PIO
automatically packs multiple sets into
one FIFO entry.
The top of the prototype PCB with the front panel wiring in place. Several
components have been moved in the final version to clear space under the
switches. Wires are soldered directly to the PCB instead of headers to give
enough clearance for the pots & switches.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
The firmware, developed by someone using the nickname ‘pico-coder’,
has several main elements. It initially communicates with PulseView
to inform the software of the unit’s
capabilities and then accepts instructions on how many inputs to capture,
the desired sampling rate and capture length.
When PulseView’s Run button is
clicked, the Pico begins the capture
process and starts transmitting data.
When PulseView has collected sufficient data, it sends a command to disarm the PIO and stop the data flow.
Triggering – selecting the beginning of the saved and displayed capture stream – is left to PulseView, as
the additional processing is beyond
the Pico’s capabilities at higher sampling rates.
The PIO captures digital data and
packs it into the FIFO buffer for the
main CPU to convert into a suitable
form to transmit via USB. While waiting for transmission, the digital samples are stored in another buffer that
uses most of the Pico’s onboard 264kiB
of SRAM.
The size of this buffer determines
the maximum number of digital samples that can be captured when the
capture rate exceeds the USB data
transmission rate.
The unit can operate at full speed
when the overall capture size is less
than the RAM allocated to the buffer. When capturing larger data sets,
the acquisition rate is constrained by
the USB interface’s maximum transfer rate of 400-800kB/sec; the actual
rate depends on the host computer’s
For digital-only signals, run-length
encoding (RLE) compression automatically increases the effective transfer rate. In situations where there are
bursts of digital signal activity followed by long gaps, such as the I2C signal captured in Screen 3, RLE encoding improves the effective data rate
in the gaps between bursts by several
orders of magnitude. However, when
analog signals are (also) being captured, compression is not used.
Analog signals are directly captured
by the Pico processor’s inbuilt ADC,
using round-robin sampling and a second software FIFO. While the Pico’s
ADC has a specified twelve-bit resolution at a maximum sampling rate
of 500kHz, silicon errors in the chip
reduce the accuracy to just under
nine bits.
Some clever software tweaks (Raspberry Pi forums –
abwb) increase the maximum ADC
sampling rate to 2.4MHz. The accuracy is reduced to slightly over seven
bits at this higher rate. In our use case,
the sampling rate vs accuracy tradeoff is justified. Keep in mind that your
average low-cost DSO only uses eightbit sampling.
Circuit details
The complete circuit is shown in
Fig.4. The first sixteen digital inputs
have their signals conditioned by a
pair of SN74LVCC3245ADW logic
level translators, IC1 & IC2. The
74xxx245 is offered in a plethora of
different logic families. It is possible
to substitute families other than LVC
Screen 1: a 3V 50kHz analog signal captured at 500kHz. With ten samples per
cycle, the signal is recognisable as a sinewave.
Screen 2: a 60kHz sine wave sampled at 250kHz shows what appears to be
amplitude modulation. However, this is simply a macro view of the effect
depicted in Screen 1.
as long as the selection allows 3.3V
logic on the A-side and 1.8V to 5V or
better on the B-side.
The input logic voltage (VCCB) is
selected by a jumper on CON3, with
the options being the 5V and 3.3V digital voltage supplies available from the
Pico and 1.8V from REG2. This voltage also supplies the cathodes of the
protection diodes for channels D2-D17
(GP pins on the Pi Pico).
While a voltage selector switch
would have been preferred, all the
major suppliers’ SP3T slide switches
are make-before-break types, which
would temporarily short two of the
three power rails when the voltage
setting is changed!
The translator ICs include negative-
voltage diode protection, while
over-voltage protection is provided
by BAS40 low-capacitance schottky
diodes. Each dual diode protects a
pair of inputs from voltages greater
than VCCB + 0.3V. 100W input resistors limit the input currents through
Australia's electronics magazine
the protection diodes and reduce
ringing on the input signal lines due
to stray capacitance and impedance
The BAS40 diodes have a maximum
continuous current of 200mA, and
the logic level translators can handle
-50mA, so the absolute voltage limits
are -5V/+20V.
The final four digital inputs, D18D21, accept only 3.3V logic and have
reverse- and over-voltage protection
provided by 100W resistor arrays and
BAS40-04 serially-connected diode
pairs protecting the inputs to ±20V.
The digital channel input resistors
are SMD quad resistor arrays to reduce
the parts count. However, individual
M2012/0805 SMD resistors may be
used, mounted on their edges.
The three analog input channels
are configured identically. BNC connectors allow standard ×1/×10 oscilloscope probes to be attached. Each
input’s AC/DC selection is via a toggle
switch, with 100nF capacitors feeding
September 2024 55
into 1MW, allowing AC response down
to a few hertz.
With oscilloscope probes in ×10
mode, the 50pF capacitors in the circuit are balanced out by 20pF capacitors in parallel with the 10MW series
probe resistors.
Silicon Chip
If oscilloscope probes are not going
to be used, panel-mount RCA connectors may be substituted for the
BNC connectors. In this case, the
50pF capacitors in parallel with the
pots should be omitted, as they may
cause a roll-off in sensitivity at higher
Australia's electronics magazine
frequencies. The amount of roll-off
will depend on the impedance of the
source signal.
The Pico’s ADC has a 0-3.3V input
voltage range. As the buffer’s gain is
set to 10, this translates to 330mV at
the input to the buffer. However, the
Fig.4: digital signals pass through protective resistors and are clamped to the positive supply rail by schottky diodes
before reaching level shifters IC1 & IC2. The analog inputs have similar protection, but there is also a series capacitor
that can be shorted to select between AC and DC coupling, a potentiometer in series for variable attenuation and an op
amp gain stage before the signals reach the Pico’s analog input pins.
variable attenuator formed by the
1MW potentiometer and 1.2kW fixed
resistor in each channel allows much
higher voltage signals to be probed,
up to the 60V peak safety limit.
24mm diameter pots may provide
smoother operation than the 16mm
variety, and logarithmic tapers give a
more even control of the input voltage. 9mm and 12mm pots should be
Australia's electronics magazine
avoided, as they are generally only
rated to handle up to 20V DC.
The 10kW op amp input resistors
limit any current through the BAS4004 (series) protection diodes and
September 2024 57
Fig.5: most of the
components mount
on the top of the
PCB, including the
Raspberry Pi Pico,
ICs, connectors
and many of the
passives. Note that
the two resistors
marked in red
(R17 & R19) can be
replaced by a single
19.1kW resistor on
R17’s pad.
Fig.6: many of the
dual diodes are
soldered to the
underside of the
board, along with a
few of the passive
decouple the 10pF combined diode
capacitances from the input. They do
not impact the gain, as the FET-input
op amps have input impedances of
1TW (1012W).
TL074H FET-input op amps were
chosen to meet the need for high input
impedance and bandwidth. They have
improved specifications compared
with the garden-variety TL074. The
most important of these for our purposes is a 5.25MHz gain-bandwidth
product. This translates to a theoretical
3.3V peak-to-peak output bandwidth
of more than 500kHz at ×10 gain.
While these op amps do not have
rail-to-rail outputs, they are capable
of a positive swing of more than 4V
with a 5V supply rail.
Silicon Chip
The ADC zero point is set by the
-165mV reference voltage, Vref. An
inverting op amp halves the forward
voltage of a schottky diode to create
this reference voltage. As the schottky
diode’s forward voltage varies slightly
with current, trimmer resistor VR4
allows it to be trimmed. The buffer’s
feedback capacitor helps filter any
high-frequency noise.
The input resistance to this op amp
is 19.1kW, so the required gain of 0.5
is achieved when VR4 is near its halfway point. While such E96 values are
generally not difficult to obtain in the
required SMD package, two parallel
footprints are provided, allowing you
to use 22kW in parallel with 150kW
Australia's electronics magazine
+5V power for the op-amps is taken
from the USB socket’s power pin
(Vbus), while -5V is provided by an
LM2664 switched capacitor voltage
inverter. Larger (3.2 × 2.5mm) SMD
ceramic capacitors are used on the
voltage inverter for their lower ESR
and, therefore, self-heating losses.
Separate ground planes are provided for the analog and digital sections of the circuit to limit the transfer
of digital noise into the analog environment. The copper is joined on both
sides (top and bottom) in the middle
of the board.
All analog power rails are filtered and decoupled from the digital ground plane by 10W resistors
and capacitors. As the LM2664 has
a 160kHz switching frequency, only
10μF capacitors are required in the
output filters to effectively filter the
switching noise.
Linear regulator REG1 ensures the
Pico’s 3.3V ADC reference voltage
is stable and low-impedance, which
helps with accuracy, particularly at
high sampling rates.
The Mixed-Signal Logic Analyser
is built on a double-sided PCB coded
04109241 that measures 77 × 148mm.
There are parts on both sides; use the
overlay diagrams (Figs.5 & 6) as guides
during assembly.
When sorting the parts for construction, be careful to keep the BAS4004 (series connected) and BAS40-05
(common cathode) variants separate.
While they have different markings,
these may be difficult to distinguish
without a bright light and a magnifying glass. The only place where the
variant does not matter is diode D17,
where either part would work.
Solder IC1 & IC2 first, as access to
these becomes more difficult once the
Pico’s header sockets are in place. If
you have a reflow oven, you can use
solder paste, but if you’re using a soldering iron, it’s better to use flux-cored
solder wire with a syringe of flux paste.
Apply a thin layer of flux paste to
all the pads for one IC, then place the
IC over its pads. Double-check that its
pin 1 orientation is correct, then add
a small amount of solder to the clean
iron tip and touch it to the junction
of one corner pin and its pad. That
should tack the IC down. Check that it
is correctly aligned with all its pads; if
not, remelt that solder joint and gently
nudge it in position.
Once it’s correctly located, solder
the other three corner pins similarly.
Then add more solder to your iron tip
and gently drag it along the edge of
the pins on one side, in contact with
the PCB. The solder will flow onto the
pads one after another. Don’t worry if
some pins are bridged; continue adding solder until all the pins on one side
are soldered, and repeat on the other.
Once all the pins are soldered, add
a little more flux paste to any bridged
pins and press solder wick down
between the two pins with the iron
tip until it sucks up the excess solder. When finished, clean off the flux
residue using a flux cleaner or alcohol (eg, isopropyl) and inspect all the
joints carefully to ensure they have all
formed correctly. If any are no good,
clean them up with more flux paste.
Next, mount the three voltage regulators, the passives surrounding them
and the headers for the Pico. Attach
the Pico and connect its USB cable
to a power source. I use a USB power
monitor on the first connection to
check the current draw. For this project, more than 50mA indicates a possible problem.
The 1.8V, 3.3V (ADC_VREF), +5V
and -5V rails should now be active;
check that they are the correct voltages
by carefully probing the regulator pins
with a DMM. The -5V rail may read a
few hundred millivolts less than the
+5 rail due to the voltage lost in the
switched capacitor voltage inverter.
If there are any problems, switch the
power off and check everything under
Assuming it passed the tests, fit the
remaining SMD ICs, diodes and passive components on both sides of the
PCB. We recommend fitting all the
SMDs to the top before you move onto
the bottom. Remember the comments
earlier about not getting the two different kinds of diodes mixed up and
I didn’t have any resistor networks
on hand when building the prototype,
so I used 100W M2012/0805 SMD
resistors mounted edge-wise.
recall that you can either fit a single
19.1kW resistor on the pad marked R17
(as marked on the overlay diagram) or
22kW for R17 and 150kW for R19.
Soldering the five resistor arrays
will be a little tricky because each
they are not much larger than a single
resistor (5.1 × 2.2mm), so the contact
pads for each element are tiny. You
will need to use flux paste to get the
solder to flow into the concave leads
and onto the pads below. When finished, clean off the residue and check
the solder joints carefully under magnification.
With all the SMDs in place, the flux
residue cleaned off, and your work
checked, proceed to fit the throughhole components, starting with the
three 10W axial resistors. Follow with
the trimpot, leaving the switches, BNC
connectors and right-angle pin header
until the end.
The right-angle header is configured
as two blocks of 8 × 2 pins and one
Screen 3: the PulseView display of a
decoded I2C signal being read from an
EEPROM chip with a clock frequency
of 400kHz.
Fig.7: remove the pins from the
locations shown here on the 23-row
dual right-angle header to provide a
continuous length of support plastic
behind the case opening. You can also
check the photos.
Australia's electronics magazine
September 2024 59
A USB power monitor is useful for
identifying faults that draw additional
current, such as power rail shorts
to ground. We published a DIY
version in the December 2012 issue
Shields made from thick cards
can help cover cut-outs in the
case, preventing dust ingress and
making it look nicer.
of 3 × 2 pins with the first, last and
intermediate columns of pins removed
(see Fig.7). This arrangement provides
a solid wall of plastic retaining strip
inside the case, extending one unit
beyond the pins at each end. Mount the
header after removing the pins from
the columns shown. Put the jumper
on the middle (3.3V) pin of the 3×2
pin section of the header.
The BNC connectors may be
mounted at this stage or left for later.
After soldering them, secure the BNC
connectors with a small amount of hot
glue or epoxy adhesive on the mounting pins.
The analog channel gain potentiometers, AC/DC input switches and the
LED on the top of the case connect to
the PCB using short lengths of hookup
wire (wire stripped from ribbon cable
is ideal).
As the pots and switches are
mounted fairly directly above their
connection points to the PCB, 10cm
flying leads should suffice. Make them
by stripping sets of two or three wires
off a 10cm length of ribbon cable. Connect the switches and pots now, as they
will be needed for testing.
The top and bottom of the finished prototype PicoMSA (mixed-signal analyser)
PCB. The final version has some minor differences.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
Download the firmware to load
onto the Pico from
au/Shop/6/452 and plug the Pico into
your computer. A new ‘drive’ should
appear the first time you plug it in. If
it doesn’t, unplug it and plug it back
in while holding the BOOTSEL button
on the Pico. Copy the UF2 file from
the download package onto that drive;
once the Pico reboots, it will be running the required software.
Next, download and install Pulse
View from
Start PulseView, connect the analyser and click the device selection button (“<No Device>”) in the toolbar (see
Screen 4). From the drop-down list in
the pop-up window, select “RaspberryPI PICO”.
Click the Serial Port radio button and select the appropriate serial
device. In Windows, it should have
“CDC” in its name, and won’t be
COM1. There is no need to select any
baud rate option. Click on “Step 3:
Scan for devices”, and you should be
rewarded with a “Raspberry Pi Pico
with 24 channels” message in the
“Step 4: Select the Device box”. Select
it and click OK.
If you have any difficulty with the
process, try restarting your computer.
You should not need to use Zadig or
another driver updater program to
install different drivers.
The PulseView display should now
have a window with twenty digital and
three analog signals. You may need to
scroll the screen down to see the analog channels. The digital signals are
numbered D2-D21, a carry-over from
the GPIO pin numbers to which they
are connected.
If you click the Run button in the
top toolbar, the display should fill with
random values for both the digital and
analog inputs.
Screen 4: the
logic analyser’s
USB serial port
setting in the
PulseView device
setup screen.
Deselect all the digital channels,
leaving the analog channels selected.
Connect a 1kHz 1V signal to any analog input and set the AC/DC switch to
AC. The frequency and voltage values
do not need to be exact.
Capture 200 samples at the 50kHz
sampling rate. Repeat the captures
while adjusting the gain pot so that
the PulseView displays a waveform
of around 200mV peak-to-peak. The
captured waveform may be above or
below the zero line, as in Screen 5.
Adjust the trimpot until the captured
waveform is equally above and below
the zero line, as in Screen 6.
Enable all the digital inputs and
set the logic level to 3.3V using the
jumper. Check the channels by capturing a 0-3.3V square wave. Test the
input channels individually, as that
will show any channel-to-channel
shorts, which can be hard to detect
visually on the finely-spaced pins of
the logic translators.
Once the unit is working correctly,
mount the PCB into the case using
9mm-long self-tappers. 2mm spacers are required between the PCB and
case to prevent the ends of the screws
coming through the bottom of the case,
which has four dimples. The top has
rows of lozenge-shaped depressions
down both sides. If you don’t have
2mm spacers, use pairs of 1mm-thick
Nylon washers.
Mark the height and horizontal position on the side panel and drill 3mm
pilot holes as shown in Fig.8. Set the
unit on the table and line up one end
panel against the BNC connectors to
check the position of the holes. Ream
or drill the holes out to 12mm (10mm
for RCA sockets).
Screen 5: a 1kHz AC signal captured before Vref has been trimmed is offset from
the zero line in PulseView.
Screen 6: after Vref trimming, the waveform is centred on the zero line.
Screen 7: a PulseView capture of synchronised square and sine waves on digital
channel D2 and analog channel A0.
Australia's electronics magazine
September 2024 61
Fig.8: there are
three round holes
to be made in the
back of the case
(for the analog
inputs; the sizes
vary depending
on what type of
connector you
use) and one
rectangular cutout for the input
header. For the
latter, you can drill
a series of round
holes in a row, then
file the shape out
carefully to a neat
rectangle with flat
Fig.9: seven round
holes are needed in
the case lid. Parts
mounted to the lid
are wired to the
board via flying
leads, so the exact
positions are not
critical as long as
the result is neat.
We recommend
that you drill them
as shown here so
our label artwork
will fit.
If RCA connectors are used, they
should be directly mounted on the
side panel, in line with the BNC socket
pads on the PCB, and high enough on
the side panel to just clear the top of
the PCB.
Repeat the process with the right-
angle pin headers. There should be
a 1mm gap in the side panel around
the pins to provide clearance for test
leads and the digital voltage selection
Mark the location of the USB socket
on the side of the case and drill a
small pilot hole to check the position. While a hole just the size of a
micro-USB plug (7×2mm) may suffice, I chose to make the cut-out the
same size as the plastic surround on
my USB lead (8×12mm) so I could
be sure it would fully insert without
binding on the case.
If you choose this approach, cut a
small piece of heavy paper to cover
the hole. A similar cover can be made
for the digital pins by pressing them
into a piece of heavy paper to mark
the holes, then punching them with a
Silicon Chip
fat needle. The paper is then pressed
over the pins.
The top cover should be drilled as
shown in Fig.9. You can download the
label artwork (shown in Fig.10) from
the Silicon Chip website, print it, laminate it and cut it to size. Punch out
the holes or cut them out using a sharp
hobby knife. Make the holes slightly
oversized so they don’t delaminate the
label when the pots and switches are
inserted. The label can be stuck down
with double-sided tape.
Mount the pots, switches and LED.
The pots and switches have minimal
clearance above the PCB, so mount
them without any washers or nuts
between the cover and the switches
or pots. The LED leads should be cut
to less than 1cm to clear the PCB, and
Fig.10: this artwork can be downloaded from so you
can print it out (at ‘actual size’) to make a label to attach to the lid.
Australia's electronics magazine
the joins to the hookup wire should
be insulated with heatshrink tubing.
Snap the case together. As there
is minimal clearance between the
switches, pots and the PCB, pulling
the switch wires out between the BNC
connectors, and the pot wires out the
other side, makes it easier to fit the top
and bottom halves of the case together.
Tuck the wires back in before fitting
the side pieces. You can then fit the
potentiometer knobs.
Usage precautions
If plugged directly into a computer’s USB port, the Pico MSA’s ground
will be Earthed via the computer. If the
device under test’s (DUT’s) ground terminal is at a significant potential from
Earth, connecting it may damage the
USB port, computer or MSA. Therefore, using a USB isolator is highly
recommended. They are cheap insurance, typically costing less than $10
from AliExpress.
The lowest USB speed option will
suffice, as the Pico’s USB port only
supports 12MHz full speed operation.
The display height of any signal
channel can be changed by clicking on
its flag and changing the “Div height”
value (see Screen 8). This is particularly useful for expanding the vertical
axis for analog signals.
Click on the red probe icon in the
toolbar to reduce the active channels
to only those you need to be enabled.
The achievable sampling rate is a factor of the number and type of active
channels, plus the number of samples
to capture, as shown in Table 1.
Triggering is handled by the host
software; only digital pins can be used
Parts List – Pico Mixed-Signal Analyser
1 Ritec grey ABS instrument case, 86 × 155 × 30mm [Altronics H0377]
1 double-sided plated-through PCB coded 04109241, 77 × 148mm
1 Raspberry Pi Pico (MOD1)
3 SPST (or SPDT) mini solder-tail toggle switches (S1-S3)
[Altronics S1310, Jaycar ST0546]
3 1MW logarithmic (A) taper rotary potentiometers, 16 or 24mm (VR1-VR3)
3 knobs to suit VR1-VR3 [Altronics HX6020 or H6030, Jaycar HK7705]
1 2kW mini top-adjust trimpot (VR4) [Altronics R2477B, Jaycar RT4354]
1 23 × 2-pin (double row) right-angle header (CON2-CON4)
3 PCB-mount BNC or panel-mount BNC or RCA connectors
(CON6, CON8, CON10) [Altronics P0529]
1 jumper shunt (for CON3)
2 20-pin headers (for mounting the Pico)
2 20-pin header sockets (optional; for mounting the Pico)
1 USB micro Type-B cable
1 USB isolator (optional, but highly recommended)
1 set of DuPont female plug to mini clip digital test probes (optional)
1 A5 laminating pouch (for label)
Hardware, wire etc
4 4G x 9mm panhead self-tapping screws
4 2mm-long 3mm ID spacers OR 8 1mm-thick M3 Nylon washers
1 10cm length of 20-way ribbon cable
1 3cm length of 1.5mm diameter heatshrink tubing (for the LED)
1 small stick of hot-melt glue or tube of epoxy adhesive
(to secure the BNC connectors)
2 SN74LVCC3245ADW 8-channel bidirectional level-shifters, wide SOIC-24
(IC1, IC2) [DigiKey, Mouser, element14]
1 TL074H precision quad low-noise JFET op amp, SOIC-14 (IC3)
[DigiKey, Mouser]
1 AMS1117-3.3 regulator, SOT-23-3 (REG1) [DigiKey, Mouser, element14]
1 AMS1117-1.8 regulator, SOT-23-3 (REG2) [DigiKey, Mouser, element14]
1 LM2664M6 switched capacitor voltage inverter, SOT-23-6 (REG3)
[DigiKey, Mouser]
1 3mm LED in a bezel or LED and separate bezel (LED1)
[Altronics Z0238, Jaycar SL2615]
9 BAS40-05 dual common-cathode schottky diodes, SOT-23 (D1-D8, D17)
10 BAS40-04 dual series schottky diodes, SOT-23 (D9-D16, D18, D19)
Capacitors (all SMD ceramic M2012/0805-size 16V X7R unless noted)
3 10μF M3225/1210 or M3216/1206
2 3.3μF M3216/1206
8 1μF
3 100nF 250V M3216/1206 or M3225/1210
9 100nF
3 50pF
Resistors (all SMD M2012/0805 ⅛W 1% unless noted)
1 150kW
1 22kW
7 10kW
1 4.7kW
1 2.2kW
A pinout diagram of CON2-CON4 as shown
3 1.2kW
from the front (viewed from outside the
enclosure). Note that this diagram and Fig.7
3 1kW
shows the plastic shroud on the header
3 100W
extending one row beyond the ends.
1 47W
3 10W ¼W axial
5 100W M3216/1206 1/16W Panasonic EXB-S8V101J quad resistor arrays
can be substituted with a single 19.1kW resistor
This style of female DuPont-style
mini probe clips is convenient for
connecting to IC leads and test points.
They will plug straight into the rightangle header on the unit.
Hard-to-get parts for the PicoMSA (SC7323; $50): includes the PCB, Raspberry Pi
Pico (unprogrammed) plus all semiconductors, capacitors and resistors
Screen 8: display
parameters for each
channel row can be
set by clicking on the
channel icon at the left of
the screen. The vertical
resolution in V/div can
also be set for analog
channels if the default
auto-ranging resolution
is not optimal.
Silicon Chip
Are your copies of
Silicon Chip getting
damaged or dog-eared
just lying around in a
cupboard or on a shelf?
Can you quickly find a
particular issue that you
need to refer to?
Keep your copies
safe, secure and
always available with
these handy binders
These binders will protect your
copies of S ilicon C hip . They
feature heavy-board covers, hold
12 issues & will look great on your
for triggering (see Screen 9). Levels,
rising, falling and changing signals
across multiple inputs can be used to
construct the required triggers.
The sampling rate may be limited
when triggering is enabled, as the
analyser needs to be able to stream the
data continuously. When only digital
signals are being captured, RLE compression can significantly boost the
effective streamed transfer rate, allowing higher sampling rates to be used.
Digital input channels need to be
selected sequentially, with no gaps.
If all channels between D2 and the
highest input channel enabled are not
selected, an ‘unspecified’ PulseView
capture error may result. Thus, you
cannot select, say, only inputs D2 &
D4 or D2-D9 & D11.
If any analog channels are enabled,
the sampling rate will be no more
than 2.4MHz divided by the number
of active analog channels so that the
digital and analog samples remain synchronised on the display. For mixed
signals, one analog sample is sent for
every digital sample.
If the sampling rate is higher than
the maximum ADC sampling rate,
any analog signal is not shown at the
correct frequency, as it is captured at
a different rate from the digital channels. To avoid this, do not exceed a
sampling rate of 2.4MHz divided by
the number of active analog channels
(see Table 1).
Further information on using Pulse
View’s extensive feature set is available in the online manual (siliconchip.
This project would have been significantly more complex without the speed
& flexibility of the Raspberry Pi Pico’s
PIO processor, pico-coder’s clever firmware and the volunteers who have
helped refine the PulseView software.
Together, these have made providing a
high-performance, mixed-signal logic
analyser relatively easy.
H 80mm internal width
H Silicon Chip logo printed in goldcoloured lettering on spine &
Silicon Chip Publications
PO Box 194
Matraville NSW 2036
Order online from www.
or call (02) 9939 3295
and quote your credit card
*see website for delivery prices.
Silicon Chip
Screen 9: PulseView has flexible triggering options for digital signals. Triggering
is processed on the host computer, potentially limiting capture rates.
Australia's electronics magazine