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Vintage Radio
The Monarch “All-American Five”
Wedge Radio
This “All American Five” design appeared in the late 1930s as
demand for cheap domestic radios took off. Accepting five valves as
necessary for a well-performing superhet radio, the “AA5” design
aimed to simplify the circuit as much as possible.
By Ian Batty
he most obvious first step was to
eliminate the power transformer.
That would make the radio lighter and
smaller. Being made for the common
US 110~117V AC supply, designers
chose to run the valve heaters in series
across the mains supply.
Astor’s Mickey OZ1 (up to Serial No
460) adopted such a design from one
intended for the US mains supply. As
the 12V series had not been released
at that date, the OZ used valves with
300mA heaters (6A7, 6D6, 6B6, 43,
The 43 and 25Z5 worked with 25V
heaters (to give a 50V drop in series),
Silicon Chip
but the remaining three only added
some 19V.
At around 69V in total, operating
from a 110V supply would demand
a series resistor to drop around 40V
– wasteful, but probably not unreasonable.
Australian releases ran on 240V and
needed a series resistor to soak up a
massive 170V. So Astor just popped in
a 580W dropping resistor, with a power
dissipation of over 50W!
Some US manufacturers, needing
to add voltage drops to meet their
110V mains, took the ingenious idea
of making the mains cord resistive.
Australia's electronics magazine
While it did work, it meant that to
replace the cord, either a cord with
identical resistance was required, or
the fitting of an actual resistor inside
the chassis. It also earned these
cords the nickname ‘curtain burner’
– hardly ideal!
One solution to the problem was to
use valves with 150mA heaters and
double the heater voltage to compensate. Many of the 6xxn series (6SA7,
6SK7 etc) were released in 12V versions by 1939. This change simply
required a different heater wire resistance: the rest of the valve was identical.
B7G miniatures (6BE6,
6BA6, 6AV6 etc) were also
re-engineered. While 12V signal valves could give sufficient emission (as the heater
power was still around 1.9W),
this would not give sufficient
emission for 12V/150mA output valves or rectifiers.
But since the heater string
needed to add up to the mains
voltage, why not design output
valves and rectifier heaters for
higher voltages?
This idea resulted in the 35V
35W4 with 5.25W of heater
power and the 50C5 with 7.5W
(in comparison, the 6X4 had
3.8W and the 6AQ5 2.8W). The
extra emission would help give
better performance at the low
anode voltages found in these
Philco’s PT44 used Loctal 7-series
valves with 6.3V, 150mA heaters for
the converter, IF amplifier and audio
preamplification, but glass octal valves
for the audio output (50L6GT) and
rectifier (35Z3). The total heater voltage only added up to 103V, so the dial
lamp, shunted by a resistor, made up
the rest.
Putting a dial lamp in series with
the heaters sounds like economy, but
a blown dial light would stop the radio
dead. Valves such as the 35W4 rectifier were designed with a heater tap
that created a suitable supply for the
dial lamp and used different resistance
values for the two ‘halves’ of the total
heater circuit.
While this worked, a blown dial
lamp would allow excessive voltage across its heater section, leading
to heater burnouts. If you are working on any All American Five, check
whether it has a dial light in the rectifier’s heater circuit and, if so, that
the lamp has the correct rating and
is working.
Having no mains transformer meant
half-wave rectification, with a resulting low HT supply; only 95V in the
PT44. Signal valves would work satisfactorily at such low supply, with
the 6BE6/12BE6 specified for 100V
operation with little reduction in performance. But the lowest HT specified
for the venerable 6V6 and its miniature equivalents was 180V.
Valve designers, needing to produce
high heater voltage types such as the
50L6, took the opportunity to redesign
The Masonite rear panel has plenty of ventilation and a stuck-on
circuit diagram; not something you see these days, sadly.
the electrode structure, allowing the
50L6 to be fully specified with an HT
requirement of only 110V. While this
only offered some 2W of output, they
were used in economy mantel sets,
where this lower output power would
be acceptable.
Valves such as the 25Z5/Z6 were
designed with two completely isolated
rectifier diodes and were used as voltage doublers in some sets. This would
easily give the more usual HT of 250V,
but the extra complexity was against
the design concept of the AA5, and
was rarely used.
The direct-from-mains transformerless design meant that such sets
would run from either AC or DC supplies, and were often branded as AC/
DC sets. They would, confusingly,
sometimes not work on a DC supply
until the mains plug was removed and
flipped over. That is, until the positive
side of the mains connected to the rectifier’s anode!
DC operation often gave worse performance, as the filter circuit was not
being charged to the peak value of the
AC mains, around 150V, giving about
125V at the filter output for approximately 50mA of HT current.
The rectifier’s forward voltage drop
was only about 5V at the expected
current of 50mA. Starting with, say,
a 110V supply, the set would only be
getting some 105V of HT on DC mains.
Australia's electronics magazine
The Monarch AA5
The Monacor 5-1H shown on Radiomuseum bears serial number 319387.
Mine has no number, but if the serial
numbers for this basic design started
at one, there must have been around
400,000 made!
It’s a minimalist set. The combination of the low US mains voltage and
150mA heater currents allowed the
mains transformer to be eliminated.
However, making it work with an HT
as low as 100V would have been a challenge. Either the designers would need
to put in effort to deliver acceptable
performance, or buyers would need to
accept this was a ‘kitchen radio’ and
not expect outstanding performance.
It is compact – I have any number
of transistor radios that considerably
exceed its volume of a bit over 1600cc
(1.6L), and its weight of just under
1kg. The chassis weighs just 420g! Its
transformerless design makes it economical in use, consuming only 23W
when running.
The chassis underside photo is not
distorted; the chassis front is angled
to match the central depression in the
cabinet face.
Circuit description
The circuit is shown in Fig.1; it’s
a conventional five-valve superhet
using a pentagrid converter and simple
automatic gain control (AGC).
January 2025 97
Fig.1: the monarch “Wedge” circuit with suggested test points and expected voltages.
Silicon Chip
Australia's electronics magazine
12BE6 converter valve V1’s local
oscillator section uses the common
Hartley circuit, with cathode-to-gridone feedback and R1/C5 providing bias
for the local oscillator (LO) circuit.
The LO tuning section (C7) uses cut
plates, giving a different capacitanceto-rotation characteristic from that of
the antenna section (C4) and removing
the need for a padder capacitor.
The moving plates are identical for
both sections, so it’s the stationary LO
plates that have the cut profile.
The low HT voltage allows the converter screen to connect directly to HT,
rather than via the dropping resistor
used in most radios. The converter
runs without cathode bias, but the
high value of series resistor R3 allows
some contact potential effect. Added
to around -0.4V from the AGC circuit,
this sends the converter’s signal grid
to about -1.1V.
With no external antenna/ground
connection, this set relies on the effectiveness of its ferrite rod for signal
pickup. This proved to be quite short
compared to other sets, as shown in the
photo of the chassis taken from above.
The rod is original, and part has not
broken off, as you might think.
Unusually, the converter feeds to a
simple LC IF circuit (L3), then capacitively couples (via 30pF C8) to the IF
amplifier grid. IF amplifier valve V2, a
12BD6, has similar characteristics to
the better-known 6BA6/12BA6.
Like the converter, the IF amp runs
without cathode bias, but the combination of the AGC line’s -0.4V and contact potential bias across 1MW resistor R2 sends the 12BD6 signal grid to
around -1.1V (like the converter’s). The
IF amp feeds a conventional IF transformer (IFT1) with a tuned, untapped
primary and secondary and ferrite core
The signal from IFT1 feeds to both
diodes in V3, the demodulator/first
audio valve, a 12AV6. Capacitor C9
does the IF signal filtering, and the
audio signal is developed across
500kW volume control potentiometer VR1.
The AGC control voltage is picked
off and sent back to the IF amp and
converter via 2MW resistor R3, with
the audio signal filtered out by 50nF
capacitor C2.
The audio signal from the volume
control is fed to the 12AV6 triode’s grid
via 5nF capacitor C10. Contact potential bias for the V3 triode develops
across 5MW resistor R5. The amplified audio output from its anode
is fed to output valve V4 via 5nF
capacitor C12, and any remaining IF signal is filtered out by
250pF capacitor C11.
The 50C5 output valve’s grid
returns to the chassis via R6,
and the stage is cathode-biased by
R7. Unusually, there is no cathode
bypass capacitor.
The circuit for a similar Monacor
set shows output transformer T1 with
a primary impedance of only 2.5kW,
further confirmation of the special
characteristics of the 50C5 and its
low-voltage applications. ‘Full HT’
types, such as the 6V6/6AQ5, commonly require load impedances in
the 5~6kW range.
The mains supply connects directly
to the anode of the 35W4 half-wave
rectifier (V5) and to the series heater
This chain has the rectifier first in
line, then the output valve. In common
with battery-powered sets, the 12AV6
audio amplifier is the last in the chain,
so that one side of its heater connects
to ground, minimising any induced
mains hum.
The 35W4 rectifier supplies a halfwave rectified output to the first filter capacitor, C15 (30μF). This point
directly supplies the output valve
anode. Although the supply is not
fully filtered, output pentodes are not
very sensitive to power supply hum.
This connection has the advantage of taking off the largest current
The top view of the chassis shows the very short ferrite
rod antenna, which gives mediocre performance
consumption before the series filter
resistor. To place the anode after the
filter would increase the filter’s voltage
drop by three or four times.
Although the filter resistor R8 has
a high resistance of 1kW, the current
drain from the converter, IF amp and
first audio is modest, so the filter only
results in an HT drop of about 30V.
The circuit diagram’s voltage callouts show the effect of AGC: on strong
signals, the reducing current draw
from the signal part of the converter,
plus the IF amplifier, allow the RF/IF/
Audio HT to rise by around 20V. Such
a voltage rise on strong signals is common, it’s just not often reported.
Point-to-point wiring is
used in the underside
of the “Monarch Wedge”
chassis, which truly is wedgeshaped.
Australia's electronics magazine
The entire circuit is isolated from
the chassis metalwork. I have used
the ‘ground’ symbol for power and
signal returns. Capacitor C1 connects
the isolated ground to the chassis at
radio frequencies.
The original figure-eight mains
cord had shed its insulation just as it
emerged from the chassis, shorting it
out. It’s a stark reminder to never just
plug in a set in unknown condition!
Fortunately, the mains cord was
secured by a two-part cord anchor,
so it was easy to replace the original
figure-eight with a new section and
secure it against movement.
Given the set’s age, I was a bit
apprehensive about the valves. Happily, all five tested good after a
bit of time on the tester. This is
a common as oxide-coated cathode formulations include barium,
a highly reactive element. Barium is so reactive that barium
powder scattered on a benchtop will spontaneously burst
into flames!
During manufacture, the applied
coating contains the metallic
oxides as inert carbonates. After
the envelope is evacuated, induction heating and heater activation achieve two outcomes: any
entrained gases in the structure
‘boil out’ and are drawn out with
the evacuation, and cathode carbonates reduce to oxides.
Normal operating temperatures
January 2025 99
maintain the oxide compounds, but,
on cooling, the highly reactive oxides
tend to absorb any residual gases
not already ‘cleaned up’ and oxidise
to more complex compounds. Such
absorption compromises the cathode’s emission and degrades performance – it’s known as cathode poisoning.
Rather than a random occurrence,
it’s common with valves that have
been left unused for extended periods. Fortunately, all that’s needed
in most cases is a few minutes of
normal operation, and the cathode
coating will reduce back to simple
oxides. ‘Rejuvenation’, a period of
over-running the heater, can accelerate the process.
The valve sockets all required a
good contact clean. I like to leave
the radio off, applying my BWD 216
0~400V power supply to the HT line
to test for electrolytic capacitor leakage. There was more than acceptable,
but I left power applied, and the current fell as the two filter capacitors
It all seemed to be working OK, and
only needed an IF and antenna/LO
alignment. The IF was a bit off, but I
was able to calibrate it without difficulty. Remember that it’s important to
do this for a low output, maybe 10mW,
and to reduce the input signal to keep
the output low as the set comes into
full alignment.
This is because, with higher
level input signals, the AGC
action ‘mushes out’ the tuning
response, making the optimal
peak difficult to adjust to.
Like many sets, there’s no
effective antenna alignment at
the 600kHz end of the band, so
it’s a matter of tuning to 600kHz,
then tweaking the LO coil’s slug
and looking for an improvement
in sensitivity.
The top end had trimmers on
both antenna and LO sections.
I simply used the LO trimmer
to align to 1600kHz for full dial
rotation, then dropped back to
1400kHz for the antenna trimmer. As usual, I did both ends a
few times, as there is some interaction between adjustments.
cathode resistor. Popping in a 470μF
bypass cap brought the output stage
gain up by a factor of two, doubling
the sensitivity at every point, including RF sensitivity.
Unmodified, its sensitivity (for
a 50mW output) was 1.6mV/m at
600kHz and 550μV/m at 1400kHz. The
signal+noise-to-noise ratio was 20dB
or better in both cases.
The IF bandwidth was ±2.2kHz
at -3dB; at -60dB, it was ±39kHz.
The audio response from antenna to
speaker was 210-2500Hz, with a 2dB
peak around 1kHz. From volume control to speaker, the audio response was
240Hz to 10kHz. Total harmonic distortion (THD) at 50mW output was
8%. The maximum output was 0.9W
at 10% THD.
The signal sensitivity was a bit
underwhelming, and I suspect that
the main culprit is the very short ferrite rod antenna, combined with the
lack of cathode bypassing on the output valve.
My final test demands good reception from Warrnambool’s ABC station,
3WV, at 594kHz. It was present, but
only at full volume, and noisy.
This compact marvel is, indeed, just
what it appears to be: an economy ‘city
and suburbs’ radio.
Special handling
Although the chassis metalwork is
isolated from the chassis, this transformerless set presents an electrocution hazard.
Any work with power applied must
be done using an isolation transformer.
Be aware that variacs and other autotransformers do not give electrical
Would I buy another?
I already have this example, but
I’m interested in the idea of mass-
produced minimalist radios.
To me, it’s a continuation of the
VE301 Volksempfänger (February
DKE38 Kleinempfänger (July 2017; and
their English counterpart, the “Wartime Civilian Receiver Utility Set”.
Given that I only need the English
unit to make a complete set, I might
just check eBay once in a while.
Further reading
The set appears as the Monarch
Wedge on Radiomuseum (siliconchip.
There’s also a 220V version, which
looked identical at first glance. How
did they soak up the extra mains voltage? A series resistor? No. An old
and rarely used trick – pop in a series
capacitor with the required reactance!
Just 2.1μF will do. See
How good is it?
For what it’s meant to be, pretty
good. I did notice the lack of a bypass
capacitor across the output valve’s
Silicon Chip
Repairing the mains cord and cleaning the valve sockets had the radio
back to operating condition.
Australia's electronics magazine