DS3231-based Real Time Clock & Calendar module with mounting hardware
A DS3231-based RTCC module with onboard I²C pull-up resistors and pin header interface. Included in the pack are two 10mm M2 Nylon tapped spacers and four 6mm M2 Nylon machine screws for mounting.
Note 1: no cell is supplied with the module. It is designed to use a rechargeable cell. You can use a CR2032 (or similar) Lithium button cell but in this case you MUST remove the SMD diode to prevent the battery from being charged. See the Super Clock article in the July 2016 issue for more details.
Note 2: as this module has onboard pull-up resistors for the I²C bus, you may need to remove them, or avoid fitting pull-up resistors on the master, for it to share a bus with other peripherals.
Cat No SC3491. Price: AUD $6.00 1 |
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