'IRDO.BAS for Picaxe-08M supporting April 2007 SiChip article 'Uses 2x 08Ms,one sensing & the other a doing Picaxe.See companion 'program (IRSENSE) & duo layout => www.picaxe.orcon.net.nz/duo.jpg 'The received IR data values could be used in many ways, perhaps as 'program variables,or actioned under SEROUT for LCD display etc. 'Via => stan.swan@gmail.com 27th Feb. 2007 irdo: if pin4=1 then serial 'RTS alert for serin to accept data high 2:pause 100 'Sample ongoing activity-LED flashing low 2:pause 100 'here but could be any Picaxe action goto irdo 'loop until RTS pin 4 detected high serial: serin 4,t2400,#infra 'Accept serial data pin 4 ('infra'=b13) b12=infra+1 'Align IR remote keys & 'infra' values if b12=10 then zero 'Test for '0' key which shows as '10' sertxd (#b12,13,10) 'Use F8 to display IR remote key pressed goto irdo zero: b12=0 'Ensure '10' key shows as '0' sertxd (#b12,13,10) 'Display on Editor's F8 terminal program goto irdo